6 | Prove Myself

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Liverra's POV

'Today you need to go to the boutique after class.'

"I know." Rui just reminded me of something I didn't want to remember. And I hated that. "You don't have to remind me."

'Of course I need to. Huh— okay, take care of yourself and don't forget to eat your lunch.'

I nodded even though she couldn't see me, then I hung up. Today was going to be tough because I'd be with Chan for the whole day, as well as our parents after what happened at the restaurant.

Believe me, I kept trying to call this all off, but dad never picked up my calls or replied to my texts. I visited his office yesterday morning, but the secretary said he was abroad. What could I do? In this case my mom would obey my dad. She was also busy with her social activities. It didn't make sense for Chan to force me to call this all off when he knew exactly how difficult my parents were to at least talk to. And why did I need to be the one who did everything while he was just enjoying life? He could talk to his parents to help me. To help us.

Alright, maybe it's time for me to be strict for now, don't you think? I needed to talk to Chan. At least to make a deal.

"Ah- hi Liv." A smart and authoritative bespectacled secretary just opened the door and let me in. And lucky me Chan wasn't there yet. During the meeting at that time she had not introduced herself even though I had heard who she was from Anne. Allina Ah-Ram Miller was a Microbial Biology student with the highest score last year. Had won several inter-university competitions. Of course also a star of Woodstones Global. "You can sit here. Welcome to your first executives meeting!"

"Liverra, you remember me right ?" A boy was walking toward us— ah, the Aussie silver boy! Well, I had no idea he was part of the Executives. "For budget matters, you can cooperate with me."

Felix Lee, organizational treasurer. He majored in Accounting which also had the highest score last year. It seemed that this was the pattern used by the Rector to select members of the organization: must be of high academic score and had good organizational skills. At least, the best five in the major.

The thing was, this stupid me should be in this class right now, not in this place. It would be embarrassing for Woodstones to make history that a 'Rector's choice' student became a member of the SA without any sort of selection and didn't even meet the standard. Maybe after this I should immediately talk to Sir Heizen.

"Sorry I'm late." I heard someone casually open the door – yep, that's him. With an arrogant expression he glanced at me. "I have to take my love Maddie to her class."

Why was he glancing at me? I wanted to puke on his face. He thought I would be sad and lower my pride for him. And this was the most disgusting thing I'd ever hear of him. I bet Felix and Allina felt the same, judging from their expressions.

"You make me sick, Chief. You're not this care about her before. I'm still surprised you two are still dating." Wow, too much information from Allina. So all this time Chan didn't really love Maddie? Well, nevermind. Not my business.

Chan didn't reply to her, occasionally gulping and being nervous. As I met his gaze, he looked away and cleared his throat then opened his laptop. "Let's start the meeting."

The four of us sat down at a small conference table and opened our laptops. Chan then shared a trip project proposal which had become an annual culture of this university. "This is an example of last year's proposal, and as we know, we need to conceptualize the event and its theme in a proposal."

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