Goodbyes? The one friend that knows space.

Start from the beginning

I leaned down and encased them with my wings, keeping their warmth inside as I worked twice as hard to exert my coldness around me. The undead had managed to escape the hold of my icy prison, and yet soon turned to flee into the cover of the forest once more finding no more heat nearby.

The nearby Nomu having also lost interest by the sounds of it.

Sighing, I relaxed a bit yet didn't retract myself from them. Any heat they give off would immediately attract the unwanted guests back. And so I grabbed the blonde by his cape, soon taking off fast into the sky with one sharp flap of my wings, knowing the red haired crimson dragon would follow.

Hearing his angry shouts and the way he shifted back into his dragon form to follow me, I darted to the cover of the clouds before throwing the barbarian up into the sky, carefully catching him on my back.

He was an experienced rider as he grabbed a spike in between my shoulder blades to keep himself steady.

"The fuck was that! You fucking crazy dragon! Let me go before I get my dragon to shoot your ass down!-" The insult just flew out of his mouth like it was second nature to which I ignored. He was crazy and ill mouthed. 

Not like I'm any better.

An ear piercing roar caught my attention and I swindled my head to the side to see said dragon that was to, 'shoot me down, tear my guts out, and eat me', or so the barbarian of a blonde shouted not even a mere few seconds ago before continuing.

A low growl escaped me. While I couldn't speak from my snout, dragons across the different and variant of species all had a telepathic connection as they all descended from the old ancient ones. All dragons having started from a singular, original race before they began to live in the different climates of Ziel. With the changes of such areas, their bodies adapted, changed, and eventually the 6 different kinds of dragons were formed.

Though that's not important as I stared straight into the other reptiles golden bright gaze that simmered in the sun like freshly found gold. 

"Hey big guy, maybe don't kill me, yeah? I was rescuing you two. Shift back and land on my back. I know a mountain range that not far where I can land and explain things later. But your a flying heat generator and the undead skeletons of the forests or olden Viking with crossbows won't be afraid to shoot you down"

Having understood, hesitantly the dragon caught up to me and flew right above my stature, his shadow spreading wider than mine against the wide fluff of the clouds. With the smoke filling the air, I felt a new weight on my back and a grumble came from me. It wasn't a bad feeling of having riders on my back, just a bit....weird? New? Whatever its stupid anyways.

I soared and allowed my wings to carry me and the two men before I caught an air current, thankfully it led to see mountain range. What was it called again, Devils tower? Stump? Chair? Whatever it was, it was void of the forest being directly in the middle of it. With a huff I made a harsh landing, ignoring the protests from the people on my back as I Widened my wings to be atop the structure.

The wind rushed past my Aileron's, my upper body leaning back a bit before I fully landed on the large rock of a kind. Flipping a wing to the side to rest upon the ground to allow my passengers off before I allowed myself to shift, white and blue speckled smoke covering my figure.

It wasn't even a minute later before I was face to face with the two, my tail flickering lowly behind my body while my (e/c) eyes meet their red ones. The blondes was more ruby red while the crimsons was a more...dark blood red. 

The dragon looks curious as his tail, opposite from mine, Wagged happily behind him like a puppy while the savage started his way up to me, brows furrowed before he took out a sword and pointed it in my direction.

"Who the hell are you?"

Hopefully I did better on this chapter-. Please let me know if I need to improve anything as my writing sucks ass and constructive criticism is well wanted! Just don't be mean about it it'll break my fragile heart.😭✌🏽. Love yall!

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