Goodbyes? The one friend that knows space.

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I carefully stalled into the cold forests embrace, it having no affect on my already cold exterior. Funny really, it was night and day when I entered the forest. 

At first I heard the undead and monsters only created in ones nightmares come towards me, but now I'm informed of the hidden dangers that lie waiting in the forest, and so now instead of the noises getting closer, I hear them getting farther away from me.

The tall dark pines trees looming over my figure, no light reaching my pale scales.

It has only been what? An hour or two? But I was making good progress, or so I hoped. In my own excitement I forgot to ask the old man where he specifically went in the cluster expand of trees and where he saw the duo, but nonetheless I kept going, ears flickering at the slightest bit of unnatural sound, slit eyes gazing my surroundings.

Trees were wither bare or full of white mushroom like fungus, the vines that covered the Laden forest ground dead beyond prepare, the flora being a beige and crunched upon impact.

An annoyance it was, but what can one do?

°^                                                                                                            ^°

It's been four agonizing long hours and at this rate its all been the same. Same trees, same groans, same whispers, same screams, same crimson fire.... Wait a damn minute.

My head framed to the not so far away warmth that was seen between the trees. Clearly whoever caused such was still there because I could hear the low growls and yells. But right away I knew I had found my targets when I heard the familiar shriek of a crimson dragon. Ear piercing and threatening. 

With a hum in approval being released from my snow colored frame, I shifted a bit, white wisps of smoke trailing my reptilian figure as I grew. Not to my full extent but enough to be much bigger than I was before. 

Stalking to where the fire is, I hid within the cover of the trees as my eyes scanned the two. A large, heat radiating Crimson spewed spire at the undead who dared to come close and any Nomu that could possibly be a threat. And yet the one that caught my attention the most was a ash blonde. Cleary a barbarian as his skin was adorned in one tattoo though chest and neck adorned in trophy necklaces, each bead representing a victory or win of the sorts. 

To see so many was not gonna lie impressive, but all in all I could still tail whip his ass and he'd be gone. Shaking said thought in my head as however nice it would be, his crimson companion would beat my ass easily. Guessing on his carelessness he was in his full grown form, and he towered mine easily. 

'Now for the real question, should I help them or leave them to deal with their own problems?' 

Of course such a though would occur in my mind. What? Was I supposed to just high tail in there and just save them? Well...that would be pretty badass. Y'know what? Imma do that.

Readying my icy breath, I inhaled before spewing it carefully among the clearing the Crimsons fire had created, the surrounding grass and what remained of the tress turning white. 

While the undead were confused and left temporarily frozen, I darted across the clearing and shifted to my full form, spreading out my wings while whispering to the crimson.

"Look, I honestly would love to live another day and hopefully be able to eat again too so hurry up and shift to your half n half form! Your like a walking heat generator." I watched in curiosity as the barbarian spewed curses at me but I nonetheless couldn't care less as the larger dragon before me understood, grey smoke sparked with red flickers here and there surrounding him before he was as small as my hand. Or claws. However you put it.

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