• being a good girlfriend •

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(Summary : Claire brings Leon lunch on his break)

Status of their relationship in this one shot : Dating!

Claire was standing on the white, decorated balcony, her fit arms resting on the railing as she sipped her sweet jasmine tea. Gazing off into the distance, and listening in on the sounds of nature, Claire felt at peace. Seeing the birds fly on by, along with their adorable chirping noises. Even hearing the cars in the distance go by at a rapid pace. It all felt so lively.

The sky seemed gloomy today, full of clouds with a grey, dark tint to it, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume rainfall was on it's way. The contrast from the breezy cool air to the emitting heat radiating off of Claire's mug, due to the tea, was relaxing as well.

It wasn't very often Claire was able to enjoy the little things in life. Her entire life was based around Terrasave and everything that comes with it, but being able to take time off for herself was important, and she knew that. Claire is very into self-care and the benefits that it provides.

A clearer mindset, a better headspace, positive attitudes and all the goodies it comes with, and right now, Claire felt calm, content and overall, just happy. It wasn't just due to commiting to self-care, it was also the people in her life.

Sherry, Chris, Jill, and everyone else, they all meant so near and dear to her, it's a shame it has been so long since she last seen them, especially her brother, Chris, he's always off doing his own thing with the BSAA, he never has time to spend with Claire or anybody for that matter.

But best of all, Claire's most favorite person, is her boyfriend, Leon. He was one of her main sources of motivation. He provided her that stride she needed to accomplish each goal that came day by day. He was her reason to wake up and get out of bed each day. Leon is and always will be her everything.

The mere thought of Leon made Claire feel elated.

Turning around, and sliding open the screen door that lead back into the apartment, Claire wandered back inside, sipping the last few drops of her tea before carefully placing the mug into the empty sink, water droplets still visible on the sides and bottom of the sink from when Claire did the dishes earlier that morning.

The apartment was silent, minus the distant sound of the fan in Leon's bedroom and the small drips of water occasionally hitting into the sink. Claire doesn't like silence, she doesn't feel safe when it's this quiet.

Grabbing the TV remote, Claire turned it on and began to scroll through channels before landing on some random reality show, she turned the audio up and tossed the remote to the couch, walking into the kitchen again.

Candle light emitted from the kitchen, the scent was 'Mahogany Wood', one of Leon and Claire's favorites, they always had it lit. Inhaling the nature-like smell, Claire walked towards the candle and picked it up, the heat instantly burning her soft-touched finger tips.

"Fuck... I'm stupid." Claire sighed to herself, shaking her hand, as if to shake away the sting.

Ambling to the refrigerator, Claire opened it and began to eye down the produce and protein within it, wanting to make herself a quick and easy lunch. She contemplated making avocado toast, or maybe even oatmeal, but she was never to sure and besides, she's indecisive.

Whilst looking though, Claire realized something. Leon had forgotten his lunch, and his break was soon. The man didn't even eat his breakfast, so he's bound to be starving. "Why are you so forgetful." Claire giggled to herself, grabbing the tub from the fridge and placing it on the counter.

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