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The princess and her knight entered the small temple in the middle of the town in search for the Zonai Leader. Princess Zelda and her trusty knight, Link, were in the search for the best of the best warriors in the entirety of Hyrule, this thanks to the appearance of ancient Sheikah "divine beasts", according to the researchers they spoke to. So far, they had gathered 4 out of the 5 champions they needed. A Zora, A Gerudo, A Goron, and a Rito. The only one missing is a Zonai.

As they entered the temple, the natural light of the sun coming from the windows illuminated the room and made it look even more beautiful than it already was. But surprisingly, no one was there. Just an empty throne, and a small note stuck to it.

Zelda walked over to read the note. "Out training! -(Y/N)". That name rang a bell to the princess. (Y/N) was the young prince(ss) of Zon'Hirith, the town they found themselves in, who was crowned after his father's untimely death by sickness, being crowned at 20. They were known to be a surprisingly good fighter, using a boomerang as their preferred choice of weapon weirdly enough, and to be part of the bloodline of the first king of Hyrule, granting them the ability to master some of the many ancient Zonai powers.

"Link!" The princess turned to the knight with excitement. Link himself was distracted, looking around the temple. "This might just be the one we need. Come on, let's go!" She pulled the blonde knight out of the temple by the arm, hurrying towards the training grounds on the ruins near the town.

After a few minutes of walking (or rather, Zelda pulling Link to keep him from getting a bit too distracted and lost as they walked through the ancient ruins), they finally arrived at the training grounds. And there they were, the young prince(ss) was fighting a small group of Bokoblins that had made their way into the training grounds. Their fighting style was... unorthodox, to say the least. The so called "Zonai Daggerrang" that they wielded in all of their battles had the ability to quote-unquote "fuse" with some ancient Zonai devices that could serve diverse purposes.

"Crap..." The Zonai was struggling a bit in the fight, the Bokos had gotten a few good hits on them. As Zelda looked with intrigue, Link leaped into battle without a second thought (but let's be honest, when does he think before doing something) and quickly knocked back two of the five Bokoblins.

"Huh... Didn't expect company." The Zonai smiled, giving the knight a quick nod as a thank you before leaping back into battle. "Thanks for the help, man!," they said before quickly dashing into the rest of the Bokos, slaying them in one clean swipe. "But I got this under control now."

The princess walked over to the Zonai prince(ss), visibly in awe by how quickly they managed to get rid of those Bokos, even if it was with a bit of help from Link. "That was a masterful display!" She spoke with excitement.

(Y/N) was a bit taken aback by the sudden appearance of princess Zelda. "Wait... Princess? What are you doing here? It's dangerous in these ruins!"

"Oh shush, I know how to defend myself!" She waved it off before getting right to the point. "I came to ask a very important favor of you for the kingdom, Prince(ss) (Y/N)."

(Y/N) had a confused face as the princess told them about all the jazz of the divine beasts, the champions, etc...

"Wait wait wait... You want me to be the Zonai Champion?" (Y/N) chuckled softly, a hint of nervousness in their voice. "I guess I could-"

Before the prince(ss) could finish their sentence, a strong earthquake shook the ground. Link quickly went to catch the princess before she fell, and (Y/N) managed to stay on their feet.

"That must've been the divine beast that resides around here!" Zelda glanced around

"A divine... what?" (Y/N) looked over at the river. "You mean that strange turtle robot thing that started to swim around here after the Sheikah team came to dig up some ruins and stuff?"

"YOU'VE SEEN IT?!" Zelda yelled. "We have to go right now!"

Before either the prince(ss) or the knight could get a word in the conversation, Zelda pulled them both towards the origin of the earthquake.

(Y/N) glanced over at Link, asking with his glance "is she always like this?". The knight obviously nodded in return.

When they arrived to the river, the gigantic divine beast was floating around calmly.

"So this big guy has been causing the earthquakes, huh?" (Y/N) said as they approached the beast. "So I'm supposed to 'control' that thing?"

"Exactly." Zelda smiled. "The rest of the soon-to-be champions have befriended each of their respective divine beasts, the only one left is you."

"Now go ahead! We'll be watching from here." The princess backed away slightly, the knight following her. Link gave (Y/N) a thumbs up to reassure them it's gonna be fine.

The massive turtle machinery slugged its way to the shore where the prince(ss) stood. "Okay (Y/N), you're great with animals! This is kinda similar, right? Just gotta be gentle..."

They placed their hand on the beast's head, and softly patted it as if it were an animal. Surprisingly, the turtle seemed to really like that. "Hey, it likes me!"

"Wonderful!" The princess exclaimed. "We found our final champion, Link! Now come on, we have to get everything ready." That poor knight couldn't get a rest with Zelda, could he? Before (Y/N) knew it, Zelda and Link were out of sight.



Promise (Revali x Reader) (Rewritten!) (ON HIATUS THANKS TO LACK OF IDEAS!)Where stories live. Discover now