"Hell yeah." He laughs too devilishly. "So, see around then?"

"See you around."

"Don't die, Hanni."

"I won't." For now, I won't.

As we hang up, I look around the empty room, feeling strangely alone without Minji's presence.

"Minji?" I call out for her. My voice seems to disappear into the vastness of space.

Slowly, I made my way out of the room, wincing at the pain in my ribs. In the distance, I spot Minji engaging in what seems like a meeting with three other people. Two of them must be Hyein and Haerin, and the other one must be Minji's sister, Danielle, who gave me her clothes.

Their conversation halts as Minji notices my struggle. She swiftly rises from the luxurious leather couch, worth more than I could imagine, and hurries over to me.

"Did you just walk on your own?" She whispers furiously. Her sharp eyes focus on mine.

"I-I was searching for you." It's true. I was searching for her.

Her expression softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. "Hug my neck." She lowers her body toward me.

I swallow hardly. This... getting carried by her with her friends watching. Isn't it going to be too much?


"Hanni," Her voice chilly and commanding, making me hardly swallow again.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling self-conscious about being carried like a damsel in distress. But in the end, I comply, wrapping my arms around her neck as she effortlessly scoops me up into her arms.

As she carries me back to my safe room, I can't help but amazed at the absurdity of all of this. Here I am, in the arms of the woman who destroyed my life, yet finding solace in her embrace.

It's crazy and ridiculous. But in that moment, I couldn't bring myself to care. All I know is that I'm safe, at least for now, in the arms of my unexpected savior.


The whole day drifted by in a haze of television shows and video games, interrupted only by the arrival of a maid bearing a tray of scrumptious lunch.

"Excuse me, ma'am. May I know where Minji is?" I inquired of the elderly maid, feeling a pain of longing for Minji's company.

"Minji? She's out somewhere, dear," the maid replies with a maternal chuckle.

"Where?" I pressed, feeling a sense of unease creeping in.

"I'm not sure, and even if I did, I wouldn't be at liberty to say," she replies, her demeanor oddly relaxed considering the circumstances.

"Could you stay here for a while? I could use some company, and I have some questions for you," I suggested, patting the chair that belongs to Minji next to me.

"Of course, dear," she says, settling into the chair beside me.

"How long have you been working here?" I ask.

"About twenty years now," she answers.

"What's the family like? Are they...evil?" I hesitate to voice my suspicions.

"This family has always been kind to me. They provide us a home, food, and a good salary. They're good people," she assures.

"So you've known Minji for years?"

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