First Day of Hell

Start from the beginning

After going through my classes with me, and highlighting important information and routes, the office lady said that she hoped I would grow to love it here in Forks. I smiled and stepped out back into the rain, which had picked up a little since I had arrived. Students were starting to arrive at the school, parking on the other side. I got in my truck and followed them, finding a parking spot in between a dark blue van and a shiny Volvo. I killed the engine, climbed out of the truck, and started hauling ass to my first class. I didn't want to be stopped for conversations just yet. 

As I made my way around the cafeteria, I spotted building three, the exact building that I was looking for. I stopped outside the door, took a deep breath and went inside. The classroom was small, just like the rest of the school. I hung my jacket on a hook beside the door and handed my slip to the teacher. After a few moments of silence, he pointed out an empty seat in the back of the classroom for me to occupy. 

I thought that it would be harder for people to stare at me while I was sitting in the back of the classroom but oh boy was I wrong. It felt like no matter what I did all eyes were on me. I could have sworn I was on the verge of an anxiety attack, but I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the reading list that the teacher had gave me. A lot of the authors on the list I had already read--- there were only a few that I had never heard of before. I lay my head down on the desk and tried to breathe.

When the bell finally rang a boy with black hair approached me. "Hi. You're Y/N Swan, right?" I nodded. The boy continued, "I'm Eric. What class do you have next?" I pulled my schedule out of my bag and checked it, "Um, Government with Jefferson in building six." "I'm headed to building four. I could walk you there." I thought for a moment before deciding that he was okay, "Sure. Thanks." He walked me to building six, "Good luck." I nodded and made my way into the next class of the day. 

The rest of the morning went on for forever. Between teachers asking me to introduce myself in front of the class to students whispering about me, I felt completely overwhelmed and exhausted. I met one girl in my Spanish class, whose name was Jessica, who walked with me to the cafeteria when lunch finally came around. She introduced me to her friends that sat around the table with curious faces. There was Mike, a boy with blonde hair who wouldn't stop staring at me, Angela, who was a very petite girl with tan skin and dark brown hair, and of course Eric, who I already knew from earlier in the day.

I sat with them, answering their questions about my life and eating my lunch. I felt a lot better than I had earlier. It was there sitting at the table that I spotted them for the first time. There was a small group of students who sat at the table furthest from everyone else in the cafeteria. There were five of them, all pale as death and quiet. They sat, not touching their food and not looking directly at anyone, their eyes fixated on something else in the distance, or out the window at nothing. Their eyes all shown a golden color, something that I found especially odd. None of them looked alike, they were all very unique in their own way.

Yet they all looked beautiful, almost flawless. The only thing that stood out besides their eyes was the dark circles that surrounded them. The purplish color that circled their eyes also defined their cheekbones, nose shapes, and jawlines. It was almost as if they had been injured, yet their features remained perfectly symmetrical. There were three boys and two girls. All three boys looked different. One was built like a professional body builder with dark hair. Another was taller, a little leaner but still muscular with honey blonde hair. And the last one was lanky, with way less bulk and bronze-colored hair. 

The girls were complete opposites from each other. The tall one was built like a model. Her golden hair lay in gentle waves down her back. The other girl, who was shorter had her dark brown hair cut in a pixie like style. She was thin with smaller features. She was built almost like a fairy, her body type looking so fragile. Yet even with these differences, they all looked exactly alike. It was weird. I almost couldn't look away, but I forced myself to. "Who are they?" I asked Jessica, nudging my head towards their general direction.

Jessica looked in that direction and sighed. "The Cullens." A cheeky smile spread across her face as she began pointing them out to me, "The girl with the pixie cut is Alice Cullen. The boy beside her who looks like he's in pain is Jasper Hale. The girl beside him with the golden hair is Rosalie Hale. And the bulky boy beside her is Emmett Cullen." I looked back over at them, my eyes falling on the boy with the bronze-colored hair, "And who is he?" 

Jessica let out a small laugh, "That's Edward Cullen. Gorgeous, isn't he?" I stared at Edward, watching as he seemed to be speaking quietly to the others, his eyes never drifting over to meet my gaze. "Wait, are they all related? Which one's are the Cullens?" "They are not actually related. Dr. Cullen and his wife Esme adopted them. Rosalie and Jasper are the only two that are related. They're twins actually." 

I couldn't stop staring at them. The girl, who I now identified as Alice, stood and gracefully walked over to the trashcan, dumping her still full and untouched tray. The way she walked was almost like she was gliding, her footsteps making almost no noise. I continued to watch her as she walked out the cafeteria doors. When I looked back at the table I was met with a pair of golden eyes. It was Edward. We made eye contact, which was extremely awkward. His face morphed into a confused expression before he looked away. 

What a weirdo, I thought, before finishing what was left of my lunch.

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