Walk in the Park

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A week later

Mom hasn't let me so much as approach the door to leave the house but today she said it'd be ok. I thought she might not like the idea of me hanging out with Diane anymore but she was actually thrilled. I'm not sure if it's the fact that she knows the brunette or because she's just excited I'm leaving the house at all—either way she 'cleared' me for activity.

I'm obviously not allowed to drive, so Diane is picking me up and should be here in about ten minutes. I am a bit nervous but not overly so, since I know how she is. That conversation we had a few days ago keeps replaying in my mind though. I still can't tell if she was joking about the mommy thing and I, of course, haven't brought it up but that doesn't mean I've forgotten it.

My phone buzzes and I look to see a text from her saying she's outside. I grab my things as quickly as I can and lock the door before scurrying over to the car. I look up and see that she's holding the door open for me with a little smile on her face. "Hi" she sort of squeaks out, "hey" I mumble asking with a 'thank you' as I slip into the seat. "Let me get this for you" she sputters out before reaching over me to click the seatbelt in place.

I thank her once again and she nods before closing the door and getting in the drivers side. "So... how are you?" she asks while back out the driveway, "I've been worse" I giggle and she just smiles quickly; seeming nervous, slightly hesitant even. "How are you?" I counter, "I've been worse" she echos with a smirk and I chuckle. "And what adventure do you happen to be taking me on today?" I ask funnily to which she bites her lip.

"Well... I thought we could maybe get out in nature? Just take a little walk down a trail or something of the sort—if you'd like that" she explains, "sounds perfect to me" I assure her and she sighs softly in relief. We arrive at a quaint park, one I've passed many times before but never had the chance to explore. Diane helps me out, grabbing a bag from the backseat directly after, before locking the car.

"That's pretty—the tote" I say, "thank you, sweetheart" she smiles warmly and I look away as a goofy smile spreads in my face from the pet name. We walk for a bit, mostly enjoying the sound of nature, and I just follow the brunette not really paying attention. She suddenly stops and I see we've reached the end of the trail so I prepare to turn around.

Instead, she takes my hand and leads me into the little field which happens to have a ledge that I only now realize overlooks the park. Out of her bag she pulls a blanket, laying it down and gesturing for me to sit as she does. From the same bag she pulls a piece of wood, it unfolds and forms a solid surface which she sets various things on.

Throughout this whole unveiling she doesn't speak a single word and neither do I. I just watch her, the way her hands move so delicately with every item but I notice her quickness as well. It dawns on me once I actually look away from her, and towards the previous contents of the bag, that she's orchestrated a picnic for us. "Awww this is so cute" I squeal and I see her blush a bit as she smiles.

We start to indulge and also partake in conversation for a half hour or so. As I'm working on a delicious strawberry from the little fruit salad she made, she speaks up and almost makes me choke. "So... about that conversation we had—you know, the night after everything..." she prompts and I know exactly what she means but I just hum, simply because I have no idea how to respond.

"I was still a little unsure of... well what you meant by that and maybe it's nothing and I shouldn't still be thinking about it but... I really can't help myself" she rambles, barely stopping to take a proper breath. I feel a bit bad that I've made her worry or overthink because that's not what I wanted at all. "Look... I was on the meds and just wasn't thinking straight, it's nothing to be worried about" I assure her which isn't a lie.

The meds did take me out of my usual character because intoxicated Edith is very different from the sober one. "Oh... well—could you maybe still clarify what it means... you know, in case I ever encounter it again" she stutters and I pause to think about it for a moment. The thought of someone else calling her that—worse her actually enjoying it—makes my skin crawl.

"I'm not really sure how..." I admit, "just... try your best? Or—maybe I can help somehow. How about... hmm well given that you said it I assume you've felt that way about someone before? Can you maybe tell me what it feels like and why you'd call someone that? I suppose I'm asking what a 'mommy' does for someone?" she asks and hearing her actually say the word out loud send sparkles through my veins which in turn makes me shiver.

"Oh are you cold? We can-" "no I'm ok" I interrupt and she nods. "To answer your question though..." I sigh as I try to think of an appropriate answer and I'm sure she can tell. "Just be honest, from your own experience" she suggests and I nod but still don't speak quite yet. She's right and this should be easy but I don't want to give myself away either, by literally describing her personality.

"A mommy is—well they're nurturing and they make you feel safe. You feel like you could tell them anything without judgement. It can also be... more than that; like if they have a umm- a dominant personality I guess. Typically they are more dominant or in control which is also why it feels safer to be with them" I say and she listens intently, practically begging with her eyes for me to go on.

"They... well it's a visceral connection almost. You just know when you meet them that they're someone you can trust. Of course it takes time and stuff to build a relationship like that but other times it's intense from the start. I wouldn't call it love at first sight per se it's mostly... a feeling of longing" I think aloud as my mind begins to wander.

"And the other person in this situation would be sort of like the baby. It's an almost direct parallel in a way because this person tends to be on the more submissive side. They want someone to take care of them, to love them unconditionally and... well that's what the mommy is for. They work so well together because they both know their place and role in the dynamic" I explain.

"Which is..." she prompts, finally speaking after just letting me ramble for so long. I realize now how much I've been talking so I put it in my mind to wrap it up. "Which is that... the mommy will take care of her as long as she follows the rules. The rules are different in every dynamic and some don't even have them but more often than not there are the base ground rules" I answer calmly.

"And what are those? What happens if... the baby breaks the rules?" her voice has lowered and I realize that she's leaned a bit closer to me which causes my breathing to pick up. "W-well... you have to listen to her and not talk back, sometimes it's keeping eye contact when speaking..." my gaze falls from hers only for her to lift my chin without a word but urging me with her eyes to continue.

"And if you break the rules... then you get a punishment" I whisper, "what kind of punishment?" she counters in the same tone. "It depends on the... crime?" I swallow a lump in my throat as I say the words and I see her lips twitch. "Not keeping eye contact" she states to give an example and my body heats up even more which is definitely not the cause of the sun hidden by the clouds.

I've never seen or heard her be this bold before and it's making my body go haywire. Her hand now rests on my thigh, pressing into it a bit as she partially supports herself while she is still leaned towards me. "I- I mean it depends on the person too..." I answer vaguely and she hums in response. "What do you think you would do?" I ask absentmindedly and finally, the smirk that's been playing on her face arises.

"I think... if I had a little one of my own, I would go easy on her—the first time. After that maybe a spanking; nothing too bad for such a simple crime" she mumbles, her voice raspy and I can no longer meet her eyes as the nerves rush through me. "Strike two" she whispers and my eyes meets hers again, noticing how much darker they are than just minutes before.

"Diane..." I whisper, "it's mommy to you, kitten" she corrects me and my eyes widen. "Oh don't act surprised, baby. This is what you wanted, isn't it? For mommy to give you what you need" even though her voice is low and level, it's almost like she moans out the words. Her hand grips my thigh tighter and my breath hitches in my throat. "I wonder if poor Cate knows she raised such a naughty little thing" she smirks.

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