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Just like every other Wednesday evening, Diane pulled into the parking lot of the community center; parking her car and swiftly getting out. Today was different for her in many ways, in fact, she knew as soon as she woke up that today would be off. It was today that suddenly everyone needed something from her and she doesn't mind helping but it was exhausting.

Diane is a person that loves being needed but it also takes a lot out of her when it comes back to back like it did today. She was so tired after all the errands that she almost missed her weekly crochet meeting. Her alarm didn't wake her and she narrowly made it in time after throwing on the closest clothing she could find.

As she walks in the building, the familiar smell relaxes her a bit more. Her eyes scan the walls as she makes her way to the room she's been in too many times to count. Various artworks cross her vision, be it from children in the area or professional artists the center supports. Finally she makes it to the door and enters, seeing the familiar faces brings a smile to her own.

However, in the corner, she spots a person she's never seen before. Her hair covers her face so she can't really make out any features just yet but the woman definitely gets her attention. As the brunette looks around for a place to sit, she becomes aware of the only open seat; right next to the mysterious woman. She makes her way over, quietly taking a seat and subtly assessing the situation.

She's mesmerized by the woman in front of her, never having seen such a pretty girl before. It's not even her face, just something about her energy she finds to be comforting in a way; like a kindred spirit. The girl never acknowledges her as she seems too invested in her project to notice Diane's presence. Yet, Diane couldn't seem to take her eyes off of her.

"Good evening everyone and welcome back! As you all already know, my name is Cate but I do have a little something to tell you all. I invited my daughter—quite a few times now" some people in the room laugh but Diane notices how the woman across from her shifts in her seat, which makes the brunette furrow her eyebrows. "She finally decided to take me up on my offer, which was a pleasant surprise. So, if you'd please introduce yourself..."

Diane notices the way Cate's gaze lingers in her direction and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she's not talking about her, but the woman in front of her. It takes a few seconds but soon she stands up, clutching the yarn design in her hands as her voice trembles a bit. "Uhhh hi. I'm Edith, Edith Brooke and... well if it wasn't already obvious—I have anxiety and crochet I guess helps me stay calm" then she just sits back down and everyone goes back to normal.

Cate had told them previously about her daughter so they knew a bit and didn't want to make a big deal of her introduction. Diane starts her project, her eyes still flickering to Edith every now and then as she watches the younger woman's fingers work deftly with the hook and fabric. It's as if the tools are merely an extension of her body rather than a foreign object she's working on.

Edith's pov
I start on my project well before the night has officially begun but I got a bit distracted by someone sitting in front of me. My fingers continued to move like normal, having done this pattern countless times before. However, my gaze lifted slightly to see the woman in front of me and my eyes widened a bit. She's gorgeous.

I didn't want to be caught staring so I returned to the sweater I started and then came the introduction I begged my mother not to make me do. I cautiously eyed the woman that had sat close to me and she stared the whole time I was talking, giving me her full attention. I didn't understand it but for some reason it actually made me feel a little more at ease.

She didn't have that scrutinizing stare, more like... adoration in a way. I quickly sat back down and started on my project again, ignoring everything around me. A big part of me wanted to talk to her but I just couldn't work up the nerve. I hoped that she would take the initiative and at the same time I was rather comfortable just sitting in the silence.

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