Washington BC

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The fire happens in the apartment building as the woman and her child was about to get crushed by the burning debris but were unexpectedly saved by a Pyronite (Ben) as he then absorbs the fire on his palms and lead them to the right way and they were getting out of the burning apartment much to the crowd's surprise as usual.

Ben: I'm sure that you want to thank me personally but clearly it was all in a days-. *looks at the sumo slammer card surprisingly and gasps* NO WAY!! Where'd ya find it? I have been searching all over that!

Boy: Yeah... It was just a prize inside the Sumo Slammer Cereal and also thank you for saving us by the way.

The Rustbucket came up as Gwen looked at Heatblast (Ben) with a serious look on her face as she call him out quickly.

Gwen: Hey, Ben! The fire is just a diversion to cover up the jewel robbery and the robbers got away as well.

Ben: *deadpanned* Well why don't you say so, ya doofus!?

Before Gwen could answer his question, his Omnitrix beeps green when it comes to the communication mode more alike to the walkie talkie thing and my voice through it saying while the Tennysons listen carefully and clearly.

Me: *through Ben's Omnitrix* No need, I already took care of these robbers and handed them to the cops. Also, sorry if I startle you three though.

Ben: That's fine... Also when did you have Diamondhead and stopped the robbers so quickly?

Me: Firstly, it's CrystaPunch you're talking to and second I did my handy work to their car recently. One of its tires is broken.

Gwen: ...Well that was intensely quick. Anyways, wanna go for the groceries?

Me: No problema... I'll see you guys there.

=- Time Skip brought to you by MuscleMan punching the Punching Bag in the Gym Room -=

I grabbed the Dog Food and the Oreo Pack as I walked up to the cashier who scans the prize barcode and I then paid the cashier as then moved to where Gwen and Ben is at and I feel a bit confused of what had happened in here.

Me: Um, Ben, what exactly did you find?

Ben: I was just finding this card from the cereal box that's all.

Me: Well yeah, and this whole aisle is getting trashed. And don't you think that you're getting a bit obsessed over the Sumo Slammer Cards?

Ben: Yeah, it's not like how I deserve the Sumo SLammer Card or anything. I just saved the bunch of people from the burning apartment.

Me: And I stopped the robbers and brought them up to the police so you need to thank me for that.

Ben nodded his head in agreement as he then saw the cards inside the stand as he ran towards it and I followed him behind while Gwen and Maxwell goes to the pet store. I stood 6 feet distance from him as he smirked looking at the card stand.

Ben: Someday you will all be mine.

Me: Something tells me that you were so obsessive and sometimes a fan boy of Sumo Slammers for real.

I then heard the TVs static happen before trembling down to the floor as then Doctor Animo appears after I shoved myself and Ben out of the way immediately and glared at Animo as he chuckled evilly and we both dodges the frog's tongue attack as we ran quickly.

Animo: Don't be a hero, fools. Just run along.

Ben: You are so lucky that I can't go hero this time, Animo! *sticks out his tongue*

Animo growled angrily as the two securities pointed the guns at him with their intimidating glare.

Security 1: Get down off of that giant frog and put your hands up now!

The giant frog swats the securities and leaps away as I glared at the doctor for getting away and the Security speaks through the Walkie Talkie.

Security 1: We got a grab-and-dash in electronics, there is a man 5'6" riding a frog thing. And seriously you can't miss him.

I rolled my eyes and the green flashes a second ago and ended up revealing of myself being an unknown Perk Gourmand as I ran to follow the frog thing leaving Ben to follow me behind quickly as he really can.

I ran up to the pet store and found out that the hamster and the pigeon have been mutated as however I hopped into the mutant hamster and smack it down real hard and of course I looked at the guards walking towards the couple of store managers.

Manager 3: You have saved the store. If anything that repays you a lot, just say so if you take your time recently.

I then revert back to my regular self and pick up the dog food and the pack of oreos and ran straight up to the Rustbucket real quick and puts them in the closet. I sighed as I then saw Ben, Max and Gwen ran up inside the Rustbucket as well as we then go after Animo with the mutated frog and the pigeon.

This late at night, I fed my little vulpimancer some food as of course he kinda likes it and Maxwell looks at Ben confused of why he was disappointed at himself.

Maxwell: Hey Ben? Why are you so depressed?

Ben: We saved ourselves from being the Hamster's chew toys at the Mega Mart. And what do I get? Nothing! It's totally not fair anymore.

Me: Look, Ben, being a hero wasn't like about the others thinking that you did something good which in case it was all about you thinking that you did something good. Plus being a hero is sometimes has its own reward and charity. *To Gwen* And also, what you got there on your laptop?

Gwen: I'm certainly glad you asked. According to this, Doctor Animo is a promising researcher in the Veternity Science, but this however turned out that the animals have been mutated from his kinds of twisted genetic experiments of his mutating the animals and is flipped out when he didn't get the big prize aka the Verities Award.

This Doctor Animo rang zero bells on my mind as of course I sighed and facepalmed in disappointment and I certainly had anger issues of this Animo person and I hated his guts a lot.

Me: What kind of a researcher is he, if he kept on mutating these innocent animals in the first place?!

Gwen: You'll find out as soon as we confront him again since this is going to be a mutated situation happens.

Me: *nodded* Alright, Gwen I understand.

=-= Timeskip brought to you by CrystaPunch meets up with Kermit the Frog =-=

Ben (as Stinkfly) flies as he tries to fight off Doctor Animo while I used my own strength to help him out as however he then snatches the animal mutation machine from his head as the pigeon, the hamster and turns the dinosaur into the skeleton and falls apart.

Doctor Animo was then arrested and goes to the prison. I then give Gwen and Ben a group hug as we then however had to keep this on going for the road trip (sorta) and in the shadows a mysterious stranger watches from a far distance and quickly vanishes off without being noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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