Summer Trip

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[Fun Fact: I can always use my Sona's point of view on each of the 13+ stories]

I packed up the stuff on the bags as well as the food and the good stuff since I merely get to the point of how fitting this road trip could be since I miss these good memories of myself and my parents (regardless it's not something irl related) shortly they knew how I can handle things even though they were concern about my safety that is.

I mean to the school bullies that I certainly don't know of, they both had done something of bullying other kids by taking the lunch money, blackmailing them to finish the homework, in which you named it. I may be a little disappointed to them but right now is not the time of getting involve of this bully situation.

Anyways, I heard a door knocking and my mother answers it and the man wearing a hawaiin shirt is Maxwell (let's just politely call him that to prevent confusion ^^) and of course she bid farewell to me while he helps me to pack up the stuff to the Rustbucket and oh boy was I very too confident to go in road trip summer style.

While I was now aboard, I saw the two other kids that went to some arguments and insults but until then they look at me with a smiling gesture and I wave my hand to give a sign of "Hi". So I chose to sit next to the red-head girl as we all headed to the road trip towards the campsite.

I was reading the tiny book as the girl (who appears to be 2 years older than me where I was 8 years old recently) starts talking to me but not interrupting my good ol' light reading since it has been a while of getting used to it.

Girl: So how has your day been this time?

Me: Everything seems great I guess and sometimes it was going good. So far that is. What exactly are your names anyway? I never met any cool people like you two before.

Gwen: Well I'm glad you asked. Name's Gwen and this silly doofus is Ben. It's so nice to meet you, Sky.

Me: Likewise, Gwen... *to Ben* Anyways, what exactly did you even do this time?

Ben: I just got hanged up on tree by 2 bunch of school bullies, JT and Cash.

Me: JT and Cash? Seriously, didn't you bumped these 2 posers before?

Ben: Yeah... But they seemed to be act and tough of all sudden and they also bullied other kids in my school as well.

Me: Damn... Well next time if you see these 2, let me know when you need a backup.

Ben: *nods and shows off his thumbs up* Done and done...

=- Time Skip -=

We were sitting down by the table while I was playing Sonic Mania in my Nintendo Switch as until we saw the white bowl of worms and the two of them gagged as they see these marinated worms since they were either edible or not.

Ben: Okay... I give up. What in fiddlesticks is that?

Maxwell: Marinated mealworms of course. They're always so edible and tasty for sure.

Gwen: And gross on how edible they really are... Oh and of course, I got some rice cakes and candies.

Me: I had some Doritos, Kitkat Bar, Chicken Nuggets, A bottle of Mountain Dew and Pack of Oreos. What about you, Benjamin?

Ben: I had the half-eaten corn chips and a candy bar as well from my backpack. Do you think this will be able to last in our summer camp trip?

The silent came to his answer as all three of us sighed in disappointment which in case it might take some last during the summer vacation recently.

Max: Who wants to roast some marshmallows and tell some camp stories?

An awkward silence came in since no one is answering his questions, I however broke it with a sigh as I looked at him with my brow raised up.

The Prime Wielder (Ben 10 x OC!Sona)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora