Crash Landing

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We arrived at the resort a few hours later, the Scobells rented out a two-story cabin. Irina, Kate, and I were all rooming together. " Perfect," Kate said as she looked at the room, it had three twin-sized beds and a balcony. The two outside beds had matching floral prints, but the inside bed had normal white hotel room sheets.

I ran over to the bed close to the balcony, " Good luck with that, it's going to be so cold over there" Momo said, she had the inside bed with white sheets. I rolled my eyes, " I like sleeping cold anyways". Momo looked at me weirdly, " You are so weird oh my gosh" she laughed I joined her.

I heard a ding, it was Walker.

Percy Dude 🧜‍♂️

hey you almost ready?


I had forgotten all about our, um hang out. 


 yep! almost ready

I cringed at my text but rushed to get ready. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom so Kate and Momo wouldn't ask questions.

I came out dressed aside from my snow boots, " Where are you going?" Momo asked." Snowboarding," I said casually. " Oh, are we all going?" Kate asked getting up, " No. I'm, I'm going with Walker" I gave in. Kate smiled, and so did Momo. The swealed, " OH MY GOSH LIKE A DATE?" Momo said while shaking me.

" No, you guys, he's just helping my snowboard no big deal," I said, but I had been thinking about it, was this a date? Did Walker like me? Did I like him? I shook those thoughts out of my head. " You guys stop it, this trip is about Leena, so I don't want to hear another word of this" Irina, Kate, and Momo made puppy dog eyes at me.

" But IF anything happens, I'll you guys" I caved, and they both ran over and hugged me. " Guys come on I gotta go" I pried from them and walked out the door.

My eyes met Walker's he was on his phone at the door. He had his snowboard and mine, I smiled at the gesture. He looked up at me and smiled back. " Here I grabbed yours when I got mine" he handed me my board. " Thank you," I said as I put on my boots. " No problem" he winked, I chuckled at it.

We walked over to the trolly, " So you come around this mountain a lot?" I asked, he nodded yes, while sitting down. " We come here every year since we moved to Pennsylvania" he looked around at Trolly, " It's my favorite spot, skiing starts early and ends late" I nodded. " I know you've only been skiing once but where and when so I can know what I'm dealing with?" he asked with a smile, I smiled back. " Well, I went to Aspen, about two years ago, I tried skiing at first and hated it, so for the rest of the trip, I snowboarded" Walker nodded. " So, were you good, bad, or pro?" the trolly came to a stop. " I'd say pro, but my friends would say bad."

Walker helped me out of my seat and led the way. " You scared?" he asked with a smile. " Nah" I lied even though I did ok in Aspen, I but knew Walker would make me nervous. " So, we should go here" he pointed to a highlighted beginner slope on the map he had in between us. " You lead the way" I gestured toward him. We walked over towards the mountain and walked over towards the ski lift.

We sat down in it, I placed my helmet on along with the goggles, and Walker did the same. I was nervous, my hands shook a bit. " Hey" Walker placed his hand on my shoulder, " I'm not going to let anything happen to you, ok?" he said it with a softness to it. I would've kissed him on the cheek if we didn't have blocky helmets on.

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