Let's Go Skiing

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A/N: thank you guys for all the comments they are very appreciated 😁

I sat down on my bed, it was the fall break, which is the end of September, and I was on call with Momona, or to me Momo.

" So you guys have two fall breaks?" she asked, she was glitching, and I laughed. " Yeah, but technically, we have a fall break and then a Thanksgiving break.", Momo still looked confused, " Whatever, is this cute or not?" she held up a bright pink fur hat for Leena's birthday skiing trip. " Um, yes, but too cute for you to give it to me," I said with a deep raspy voice.

" But how are you not packed still we leave in like two hours?", Momo side-eyed me through the camera, " Adri! Just hush", I raised my hand in defense.

Kate, Leena's friend Stella and Bella, Momo, Irina, her parents, Tanner, Walker, and I were all going on the trip.

Kate walked up my stairs and into my room loft. I said my goodbyes to Momo and hung up. " Ugg, I'm glad I'm going but I and Connor were supposed to go to the Edge", Kate looked like she was about to cry. The Edge is a place where teens, um actually, I don't really know. But all I know is they sometimes sell alcohol to minors, and I'm not allowed to go.

" Kate it's fine, you can after go, it's only a three-day trip and still then you have five days of break left", I tried to say, but she just jumped back down onto my first level. I got a text from Walker as Kate came back up.

Percy Dude 🧜‍♂️



wyd rn?

um ntm just talking to kate rn

oh cool, you excited about the trip?

yeah, i've only been skiing

 once so i can't wait to go again

oh well after we all check in and

 stuff you wanna hang out maybe?

yeah we can just tell me where

k i have a place in mind, maybe 

we can hit the slopes early?

yeah we can but like the baby ones

oh right i forgot you can't ski 😂


we still can tho

ok, we'll go to the bunny slopes at like 6 is that good?

yeah sounds good to me

ok good, goodbye Ana 👋

goodbye Walker 👋

I sat my phone down, " Why are you blushing?" Kate asked. " I'm not" I lied. " Yeah sure....." she trailed off, sensing I was lying. Kate groaned again, " When are we leaving?" she asked.

" Whenever Mr. Scobell texts me. " I glanced at my phone; it was 4:05. " It should be any minute now" I assured her; she got bored easily.

Mr. Scobell

We are ready! 😀👍

I laughed at the text, " Alright they're ready let's go!" Kate lit up. "Yay let's go skiing" she jumped down off my loft. I ran down the stairs with her luggage. I walked down slowly, I said goodbye to my brother.

" Please don't do anything stupid. I don't think Mom paid the insurance" Jacob joked. I laughed and hugged him. " Goodbye Jakey," I said smiling out the door. He waved, fake annoyed. I walked out to a big white van, " Um, Mr. Scobell?" I said while looking up at it. " I know, I know, me driving around with a bunch of kids in a white van" he smacked his palm on his face. I laughed because already it left a big red mark.

I walked over to Tanner, who looked like he was struggling with his suitcase, his face was red. " Can you please help me?" he asked, " Sure" I said as I grabbed very light luggage. " Thanks," he said as he sat down. Everyone was in their seats, I met eyes with Walker. I smiled and he smiled back he was sitting in a single seat, so I couldn't sit next to him, not that I wanted to.

I looked to see Leena, Stella, Bella, and Irina. Kate and Momo were in the front laughing. I greeted them all. Leena's friends all seemed nice, I sat down with Leena. She saved a window seat for me. " I'm so tired," Leena said as she leaned on my shoulder. I looked out of my window, and next stop Pennsylvania, I giggled at the thought.


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skiing content coming soon!

Walker's POV:

liked Ana's Instagram post. Why did she have to be so pretty? Stop Walker, that's your sister's best friend, I thought, but I couldn't. For some reason, I was drawn to her. I couldn't figure out why. I talked to Brady about my crush, he gave the worst advice, but I took it. So now we are going to the bunny slopes at 6. I don't even think she wants to go.

Brady definitely said she likes me, but I'm not so sure. I think I heard she likes my friend Smith. I turned back to where she was sitting, she was reading a book, a Rick Riordan book at that. I was smiling at her, but she didn't see me, I looked to see Momona looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I didn't even know she could do that. Flustered, I turned back around in my seat. Now I'm sure Momona knows I like her; she can read me like a book.

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