[PART 1] Chapter One

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The ax buried deep into the trunk of the tree after I threw it with so much force. It took a while before I could pull it out, and the impact made me stumble back and landed on my butt. Dirt and sweat covered my face, arms, and hair from all the rolling, jumping, running, and dodging away from imaginary opponents.

My mother will lose her head once she sees me, but it doesn't matter right now, because I'm out in the woods to escape, and let out some frustrations after I found out earlier today that I'll be betrothed to some prince from an allied kingdom.

What's worse is, first: I wasn't asked if I wanted to be in this arrangement, second: I never wanted to get married, and third: I don't like the prince from those Hairy Hooligans.

They're literally called Hairy Hooligans, it wasn't even an insult.

It was no secret to me that I was dubbed as the most beautiful child in the history of the Hofferson line. With my golden hair, bright blue eyes that are said to be a gift from the goddess Freya, and a pretty face that is both a blessing and a curse to my family. When I was only a few days old, word spread across the seven kingdoms about my birth and the beauty the infant princess of the Northern Kingdom holds, and in just three days letters flooded my father's office, saying every noble family wanted to arrange a marriage with me. Other than being mesmerized by my beauty, my family is the most powerful family, and forming an alliance with us can strengthen the army of the noble family I'll be married into. Protection is assured.

With this, my father is very careful and picky about which family I should marry. And decisions were finalized on the day of my tenth birthday-today is my tenth birthday. Father decided that I'll be betrothed to the son of the King of Berk.

And it's true, my beauty is a curse. A curse that will bring me to misery once I'm married to the prince of Berk. Why? Because we are children, and children aren't sure of what they're supposed to do. And if I'm going to be married I want it to be for love, not because I'm forced. I've read books, novels, memoirs of past royals who suffered a loveless marriage, and I don't want to be like that. I don't wanna be a slave to my husband, or trapped in a marriage while he takes mistresses because I'm not good enough.

Without even thinking, and using so much force, I threw my ax across the clearing and it landed on another trunk with a loud thunk.

Another trunk stabbed deep.

Other than beauty, the goddess Freya has gifted me strength. Strength that has been obvious since the first time I swung my brother's ax. I was five. I never held any weapon before, but he told me when I swung that ax that's almost the size of me, it looked easy, like I've been doing it since I was in my mother's womb. I'm also too advanced for my age as per my tutors. I learned to read and write four languages and am currently studying and learning my fifth language. I finished my advanced mathematics, and I think like a twenty year old. Sometimes my mother is scared of my wits that she would stop me if I start saying things she couldn't keep up listening to.

Meanwhile, my brothers were very fond of me. Including me in almost everything they do, especially in training. But sometimes it's annoying how they take it easy on me, underestimating my skills, that's why I prefer training alone. In the woods almost everyday. Mother would be furious if she finds out I went there again. She thinks it's dangerous out here, but I don't see or sense any danger. Just my own emotions bubbling up in my chest and stomach.

I pulled my ax from the trunk, done for the day. I started packing my stuff, hiding my weapons like my bow and arrows, my sword, spear, and my beloved ax in hollow trunks and logs with camouflaged covers so no one will think that there's something hidden inside. After I'm done, I retrieved my horse that I tied at the entrance of the woods. No one will dare take a royal horse, even rogues. It's one of the laws in the entire continent that's under the rule of the great Viking King Stoick the Vast. My future father-in-law.

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