Ch. 1 How Long Must I Wait?

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Summary: With the heroes having hope and excitement for the future, they wait in anticipation.

Marinette bounced around as she waited for Adrien to arrive at school. She wanted to confess to Adrien once and for all! However, the girl still had anxiety. Even though it was guaranteed she and Adrien would get together. (Lady Beetle purposely avoided how soon Marinette would date Adrien. She excluded if they would date other people and for how long. She knew how stubborn her younger self was and... obsessed. Marinette and Adrien needed to grow as people and heroes.)

Alya: "What has gotten you so excited?"

Marinette: "I'm finally going to confess to Adrien! Today or soon!"

Alya: "Good for you, Marinette!"

Alya still doubted that Marinette would confess her love. But her new confidence can take her further. Adrien pulled up in his limo. Marinette started dancing, holding a gift close to her chest. Adrien left the car and fist-bumped Nino. The two approached the girls.

Marinette: " Hi-hi, Adrien!"

Adrien: "Hi, Marinette. Hey, Alya."

Marinette: "I-I have something to tell you!"

Marinette shoved her heart-shaped box of chocolates to Adrien. She tripped, which forced Adrien to catch her. Marinette flustered and babbled her words. She backed off, which caused the present to fall. Adrien was able to save most of the treats. Some dropped to the floor.

Marinette: "Oh, no, no, no, no! This is a disaster!"

Adrien: "Marinette, it's okay. There is still some chocolate."

He grabbed one and ate it. Adrien enjoyed the taste. He smiled despite this ruining his diet.

Adrien: "These are good, Marinette."

Marinette: "Really?! Thank you!"

Alya nudged Marinette. She whispered to her that she now had the chance to confess. But Marinette hesitates. Alya prompts her.

Alya: "Marinette, why don't you tell Adrien why you gave this special gift? Since it's in a heart box."

Marinette: "R-right! Um... Adrien. I- I love you... like like you! I was was wondering if you and I could be together. Can we spend the rest of eternity together? Uh... Our lives?!"

Marinette hid her face with her hands. Her face was burning red. Alya and Nino's jaws dropped.

Adrien: "I love you too, Marinette."

Marinette showed her face. She and the other two were surprised. Alya was cheering for Marinette on the inside. Nino was proud and waited to see the new couple.

Adrien: "I want to be best friends forever."

Marinette felt a stab of pain in her heart. He still saw her as a friend. Alya and Nino couldn't believe Adrien had misinterpreted the confession. Alya slapped her forehead. Nino gave his best friend an incredulous and disappointed look. Alya was about to comfort Marinette, but she recovered quicker than expected.

Marinette: "Thanks, Adrien. I'm glad we can be friends."

With a bright smile, Marinette headed to class. Alya followed her friend close behind. When they were inside the school, Alya checked on Marinette.

Alya: "Girl, are you okay?"

Marinette's eyes watered a little.

Marinette: "I'm fine, Alya, but I won't give up! One day, I won't be just a friend to Adrien!"

Alya: "Okay?If you say so..."

Marinette: "Just you wait, Alya! We are going to be-"

Marinette went into dreamland. She talked about a wonderful future with Adrien.


Adrien came home from school. Nathalie was at her desk. She welcomed Adrien home. Instead of going to his room, he went to talk to the woman. Nathalie raised an eyebrow, but she didn't discourage the boy from speaking.

Adrien: "Hi, Nathalie."

Nathalie: "Hello, Adrien. Is there anything you need?"

Adrien: "I was wondering if father had some free time today or later this week. Maybe something in the following weeks if he can change his schedule."

Nathalie: "His schedule for the next month is fully booked and includes a strict schedule. But I'll see what can be scheduled for the following month."

Adrien: "Oh... Well, do you have some free time?"

Nathalie: "Excuse me?"

Adrien: "I want to spend more time with you. I don't know much about you as a person. I understand if you're busy. We don't have to do something big. Maybe... Eat dinner together?"

Nathalie paused. She was supposed to remain professional. However, what Adrien offered was a simple request. Perhaps her being present is a good start.

Nathalie: "Very well. I'll accompany you when dinner is served."

Adrien: "Thank you!"

The boy went behind Nathalie's desk to hug her. She was unsure if she should return the affection.

Nathalie: "You're welcome, Adrien. Work on your homework until the meal is ready."

Adrien: "Got it!"

Adrien left his father's secretary to go to run upstairs. He didn't expect change so soon.


The Chinese Zodiac kwamis of Paris felt a disturbance. It was a large buildup of power from far away. They haven't felt the power of the Golden Cicada since Tipitaka. Golden rings formed in the sky, with the spell circles covering much of the Earth. Some power was taken for the kwamis, creating orbs of light. From the orbs, strings of light shored into the sky above China. Similar displays of light came from all over the world. Then, there was an explosion of light. It blinded the Earth and became a twinkle in the galaxy.

Ending Notes:
Song: Ameliorated
Artist: dreamingofcali
Remix: Low Eastern

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