Bbokari :
This guy is always overeacting

PuppyM :
I'm going to end up thinking he's really in love

Jiniret :
Shut up :( :
Come on tell us

Jiniret :

Yk Changbin?

Bbokari :
The guy who tries to follow to your ig account every week and who's stalking you?

PuppyM :
The big psychopath

Jiniret :
Yeah, him.

Well, we might had a quick chat earlier. :
Did you accept his follow request ?

Jiniret :
No, actually I went outside your university to pick you up and he was there, he approached me :

But I'm not in class today.

Jiniret :
He told me :(

I forgot.

PuppyM :
What a dumb princess

Bbokari :
Anyway, what's the interesting part of the story?

Jiniret :
Ah, yes.

Let me explain.


Just as Jisung is about to read the rest of the conversation, the doorbell rings in the store, bringing him back to reality. He can imagine that it's not Kang who's back, so it's a client. Panic-stricken by the sight of a man approaching and looking around the store, he dashed under the counter, unintentionally meeting the stranger's gaze. Kneeling down, out of the client's sight, he hears the man laugh, not in a mocking way... More amused. He closes his eyes tightly, blaming himself for the ridiculous act he has just performed.

He stands up, avoiding the gaze of the not necessarily very tall but rather imposing man, his aura and the eyes he feels probing him. He clears his throat, and an uneasy silence settles over the store. Finally, the stranger decides to speak.

"This is a music store, isn't it?"

Jisung blinks, surprised by the surprisingly soft voice of this stranger who at first seemed almost threatening. He nods, feeling his ears redden and his throat burn. Damn, this is uncomfortable.

"I've got my best friend's birthday coming up. He's into music and prods and shit like that. Honestly, I don't know anything about it, so I figure it's probably better if a pro can advise me"

The young musician catches his breath , and answers in a low voice.

"I can help you" He speaks, formally.

The customer smiles, satisfied with the answer.

"I don't think we have an big age difference, so there's no need to be so formal.

- I'm twenty-three.

- Twenty-five."

Jisung nods, still slightly embarrassed. Strangely enough, this stranger doesn't make him uncomfortable. He feels his naturally contracted muscles relax as he goes along. He looks around the many instruments, searching for the good one to present to his client.

"Do you have a very high budget or is there a limit? Jisung dares to ask. He does his best to advise him, but business isn't usually his field. He's always been assigned to tidying up and organizing things, and there's a good reason for that.

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