Chapter fifteen - Freya

Start from the beginning


As Lydia paces along an area of the path before us, I start to step forward to reassure her but hesitate. What do I do? I reach my hand out, but hesitate again, and lower it to my sword's handle. Why am I hesitating? Her muttering increases in volume, her voice cutting off as she scraps an idea and frantically tries to come up with another. What do I do? I ask myself again. I watch, hesitating as Lydia paces and her mutters spiral into unclear mumbles of words. I feel useless. I am her best friend, and have been since we were children. This girl has come to my rescue and consoled me more times than I can count, and what do I do when she needs me?

I stand here like an uncaring idiot.
As these thoughts of uselessness continue, I find them all circling back to one… What would Dorian do?


My mind seals itself from the outside world, but I notice Elara’s hesitant attempts to reach out to me, which she draws back in. I go from one place to the next, too fast for me to even comprehend my thoughts. What do I do? That dragon flew away with Dorian… Dorian can’t hear… the dragon is infected… the Dark Entity has control over the dragons…  or at least that dragon… which has Dorian… it has Dorian… what do I do?
My thoughts and feet stop. I turn to where I heard this strange animalistic chirp, and suspect everyone else also does. My eyes set on a red, rustling bush, a common bush in Freya.
I jump slightly when I hear it again, my eyes focusing even more on the red bush as it ruffles and sways. I summon my spear again, futilely prepared for another eighteen to twenty feet infected dragon to come out and engulf us all in deadly flames.
Two small red spikes perk up from inside the bush, and in a split second a dog sized red dragon bounces out from the bush, its big round eyes looking up at us, before its eyes set on me, its pupils dilate, and it pounces, knocking me to the ground with a thud and an oof!
The dragon pins me to the ground, sitting on my chest and eyeing me with curiosity and affection. Sighs of relief come from behind me as we all realize that it's just a baby dragon, and not only that, but Eden’s baby dragon Ember. I giggle and sit up, propping myself up with my arms as Ember’s short stubby tail wags excitedly against my stomach. “Hi, Ember,” I chuckle, amused at his eagerness. His short, stubby spiky horns perk up, and his mouth opens. Crackles of red sparks flicker in his mouth, as a familiar laugh approaches.
“Good boy, Em!” I look up to see Eden clapping and laughing, her eyes widening in surprise when she sees us. “Lydia!” she excitedly exclaims, rushing to me and offering her hand. “Eden!” I exclaim, taking her hand as she pulls me up and into a tight hug, Ember hopping happily in circles at our feet, making clicking and chirping sounds. She pulls away and looks me directly in the eyes, her gaze as intense but friendly as ever. “What are you doing here?” she asks incredulously, her eyes flicking all over my face. My worry takes place on my face again, and her expression shifts slightly in reaction. “Eden… the Dark Entity is back. He’s already infected the dragons, and-” I pause, and look over her shoulder at the path before returning to her gaze. “-and we need to get out of here.” Her eyes narrow and she nods, then releases my shoulders and looks at everyone. Her eyes stop on Onibi. “Who’s this?” she asks. Onibi sheathes their curved Coren blades to their side, and stands straight before Eden. “That’s Onibi. They’re an Dragon Elf from Ahren,” I introduce them, Eden nodding along. Eden extends her hand to Onibi with a wide
smile. “I’m Eden. Sage of Fire, and Ruler of Freya. Great to meet ya, Onibi!” Onibi smiles kindly and takes Eden’s hand, their hands bobbing up and down twice.
Chirp! Chirp, chirp!
Ember enthusiastically chirps up at Onibi, and they look down at him with slight curiosity. Eden chuckles at the baby dragon’s attempt for Onibi’s attention. “He likes you,” she tells Onibi, and Onibi’s eyes widen slightly as they look at Eden in surprise. They look down at Ember as he continues to chirp and hop at her feet, then back to Eden, as if in confirmation that they can touch the baby dragon. Eden nods encouragingly. Onibi kneels down before Ember, and presents their hand low in his view. He stops his chirping, and curiously sniffs their hand before his stubby little tail wags eagerly and he rubs his scaly cheeks on the side of Onibi’s pointer finger. Onibi smiles adoringly down at Ember, and gently brushes his cheek as he affectionately rubs his cheek against Onibi’s hand. “What’s his name?” Onibi asks. Eden leans to the side and rests her fist on her hip, overlooking Onibi and Ember’s wholesome scene. “His name is Ember. He’s the son of the High Dragon of Freya,” she replies, a hint of pride in her tone. Onibi smiles softly and nods, and then Ember unfurls his tiny wings and flaps them quickly. I smile and look at Eden. “his wings are bigger than the last time I saw him!” I say. She huffs a short, amused laugh. “Well, you haven’t visited Freya in a while,” she smiles, our long history in her eyes. “It’s good to see you again. Even if it’s because that demon is back.” I nod in solidarity, as we turn our gazes back to Ember and Onibi.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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