Hugh smiles as I give him a small bow of respect. "Doing okay. Better every day. Happy birthday, my boy."

"Thanks, Dad. Glad to see you getting better. You'll be up for babysitting in no time, right?" Kai jokes.

Hugh laughs. "I'm hoping, actually. Look at you, Emma, growing up!"

Hugh had his surgery not long after we ascended the throne, and though they took a little longer than expected in theatre, and had to take him down again, he's doing absolutely fine now and seems to be recovering quicker than they thought he would. He definitely doesn't want the crown back either, he said.

Emma laughs and blows a kiss to her granddad. "Papa!"

"Love you too!" Hugh turns to Kai. "I'm hoping to be out on the balcony for the Trooping the Colour on Sunday."

"Dad, there's no pressure. I'd love it, obviously."

"It's the plan."

I move away and let them have their moment, so I join my dad and Patrick.

Patrick's hand immediately goes around my waist, pulling me in for a side hug. "Hey, Queen Sis Seahorse."

I laugh. "Your nicknames for me get worse every week, I swear."

"We've found a wedding venue we're hoping to book," Patrick says.

I jump in excitement. "Oh gosh, where? Where?"

Patrick laughs. "Calm down, we haven't booked it. There's a barn out in the country we went to see and just fell in love with it. You can rent out the grounds, too, so we're thinking of having the ceremony inside and then have the reception outside with a marquee and that."

I clap like a seal. "Yes! I need to see it!"

Dad claps Patrick on the shoulder. "That's amazing. Lucky for me, the father of the bride tends to pay, and well, I got out of the first wedding bill with it being royal and all."

I snort. "Typical."

Patrick turns to me as Gemma appears beside him. "I've asked James to be my main best man, with him being my best friend and all."

I nod. James has been his best friend since he started med school, and they've done everything together for a long while.

"I assume he said yes?" I ask.

Patrick nods. "He did."

"Which is why I wanted to ask you, Mila... will you be my maid of honour?" Gemma asks.

I smile. "Are you sure? Am I allowed?"

Kai's suddenly behind me with Emma in my dad's arms. "They already asked me, and I said you can as long as you don't go out getting drunk on a hen night or anything like that. Wouldn't be advisable for a queen, you know?"

"I'm sure I can arrange something quieter in the palace, right?"

Kai makes a shifty-eyed expression. "If you don't go out of the palace, I'm sure we can arrange something. And obviously, no awkward outfits in the press. Eyes will be on this wedding anyway."

"Then... heck yes, I'll be maid of honour!" Both Gemma and I make a small squeal of excitement. It's weird to think I would never have put her and Patrick together before all of this, but they make such a gorgeous couple and eventually make gorgeous babies.

"Also brings me to ask one more question. Kai, will you be my second best man?" Patrick asks.

Kai stands up straight. "Me?"

Patrick nods. "Of course, man. I kinda like you."

Gemma makes a snorting sound. "Bromance at its finest."

"Shut up, you," Kai jokes. "I'd be honoured. Same rules, though, which is why you have the first best man, I assume."

Patrick grins. "You saw through my logic."

"This is so exciting!" Gemma squeals. "We're looking for maybe a year from now, once the coronation's done and everything."

"Thank you; I won't be heavily pregnant then."

"Mama!" Emma calls.

I reach out and take her at her request.

"When is the coronation?" Dad asks.

Kai sighs. "We're announcing it to the public on Sunday along with the birthday celebrations, but it'll be in six months. The government have just accepted it as a bank holiday, and then they need time to adjust the crowns and make the preparations."

Dad nods. "Time for me to get an outfit sorted. My daughter crowned queen."

"More of a heart attack than when I married a prince and was pregnant, or less of one this time?" I joke.

Dad laughs. "Well, I didn't fall off my chair this time, but a small panic attack maybe?"

I giggle and lean into him for a hug while Emma munches my hair. Apparently, it's her favourite food.

"You shouldn't be heavy lifting," Kai fusses before taking her off me.

"You calling your child fat?" Hugh jokes.

"Rude, Dad, very rude." Kai laughs.

As they continue joking around, I give my dad a bigger hug. As he kisses the side of my forehead, I realise that I'll never be too old or too regal for my family. I was told during one princess lesson ages ago that all public displays of affection from Kai to my family were off-limits in public, but I've never shied away from it and never will.

As a fully-fledged queen consort, it's now part of my duty to lead the kingdom – or help Kai do it – and if that means bringing back a sense of family and love, then I'll have been proud to put my marker on this kingdom.

Before I was even involved in this family, I always thought there was a large disconnect between royalty and the public. For all the good they did before I joined and how many engagements they do, I've always thought there was too much of an air of never being in touch with the people. There was too much formality, too much flair. Now I've joined, I've brought little touches, like being from a normal, non-formal and non-rich background so I can relate to people, and once Kai and I became really involved romantically, I brought some of it back.

It's only been four weeks so far, but I've been happy with how we've settled into the roles, and proud of what we've done so far. Looking at Kai and how much he's thriving in his role is amazing, especially as he didn't want it for so long.

"Proud of you, sweetheart," Dad whispers.

I smile and squeeze his arm. "Love you, Dad."

"Love you too."

I've never been so fulfilled in my life as I am right now, and as stressful as royal life can be, somehow Kai and our family make it all worth it, even if sometimes I would like some privacy. Even that is a little price to pay for this life.

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