Not Dressed up, but with Somewhere I wanna Go

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Rosemary ignored her friends betrayed look as she went behind the counter. Casey looked around helplessly, like a fish out of water before she saw Jimena grabbing her coat. She lurched forward fear propelling her as she grabbed Jimena's hand over her coat.

"W- we can't do this. What do you mean?", she sputtered, eyes wide and pleading, "I- I can't go, Remi said I can't and-"

"Don't worry about her", Jimena dismissed waving her hand in emphasis, "we will cover for you. Right, everyone?", she called out to receive a row of agreement from the other staff who all seemed to be focused on them. Even Joe had raised his mug in agreement.

That did nothing to make Casey feel better, "It is not that serious, it is just a Halloween Party." She had not really spoken with Jimena about Pheonix_3, but she assumed Rosemary had told her as much during their little meeting. She had not been this interested in the Halloween party before now, so she was definitely operating under ulterior motives. Casey just knew it!

"Oh calla tu boca! Just Halloween!", Jimena waved her hand again, "You and your dad loved Halloween", she reminded the teen, "Do you remember how we would decorate the restaurant and throw a big party? He would've loved to see what we'd manage to put together this year."

Casey smiled at the memory. A lot of things had changed since her father's death, the holidays especially. She had almost forgotten about her father's antics during the spooky season. They would carve pumpkins and light candles at the alter Jimena had set up for her mother. Remi hadn't even considered continuing the Halloween fanfare; it going with the grove and the rest of her families love and hard work. At least money had been enough to keep the place afloat despite Remi's expensive habits.

"You're dad would want you to be out tonight" Jimena huffed, "Having fun and being a teenager. Me and him stressed many days about the shenanigans you two would get into!"

"I am having fun", Casey whispered in a fragile voice, "I always have fun with you guys."

The older woman softened, "Oh Casey", she purred as she reached out and took her hands over the counter. The restaurant was as much a prison for them as it was for her and she refused to take it for granted. Remi would rant about how ungrateful she was even if were for scraps off her plate, but Jimena and the staff would have a comped breakfast waiting on the counter for her on her hard days. Chef Ziah had nursed her first kitchen wound, teaching her some of his medical skills he learned from his scout days. Edith and Claire, the waitresses, had comforted her when she had her first period; while Agatha and Tabatha laughed at her horror stricken face, they had commandeered the bathroom as she was given " The Talk". Jimena knew how much Casey valued them, which was why she didn't want her to feel isolated or abandoned. It hurt to see the what the once bright little girl had been worried down to by her "families" abuse.

"I know you have fun with us, but you need your own peers. Ziah isn't getting any younger and neither am I"

The aforementioned man grunted, "Let her tell it. She's aging in reverse!", he joked

She shook her head at his antics, "What I am saying is that you shouldn't be trapped here- which you are", added, shutting her up, "you are held up here because that puta forces you too. I am sure Rosemary would prefer to spend her days somewhere other than here because you are trapped."

Casey glanced over at her friend who offered her a soft look, but did not disagree with her mother.

Casey found herself unable to make an argument, knowing as much, she sighed in defeat, "Remi is gonna be mad if she finds out", she grumbled.

Jimena and Rosemary smiled at that; she had broken down one barrier of fear and doubt.

Joe snorted behind his mug, "You aren't doing anything people you're age shouldn't be doing. It's not your fault she's clipped your wings", the older man grunted, giving her a light nudge as he pulled two lollipops from Jimena's apron.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 12 ⏰

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