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I was forced so hard not to smile. He asked with his soft, gentle voice if I needed any help. I embarrassingly said no with a high voice like a mouse. He nodded and opened his locker to put his books in it. I saw something hanging on the inside of the door of the locker. I didn't see it because he standed right in front of it. It was probably some sticky notes or something.. Later on, when he left the hallway for his lesson, I could see that his locker was still open. Just out of curiosity, I checked what was on the sticky notes. Soon, I realized that they weren't sticky notes at all. They were photos clearly printed on a small paper and then rudely cutted out. The photos were of a girl, with dark-blonde hair, grey blue eyes, thin glass - That's me!! I looked better at the picture and saw my exact face and some drawings of me. I didn't know he could draw that well! Later on, they  noticed more and more how much he drew under the exact tree. A peaceful tree with light green leaves and yellow apples that aren't ripe yet. When something falls off, he checks it, goes to the toilet to clean the apple, and then eats it in peace. But I'm still thinking about why he's drawing me the whole time. Does he have a crush on the girl who never smiles? No, that's not possible. He is just trying to make fun of me or something. Later on, I was heading back home. With my yellow bike and heavy backpack, is it still doable? I puffed. Back to studying, it sounds like a boring thing of just locking yourself up in your room just to become a little bit smarter, but it's pretty fun for me. I was studying English when I heard the doorbell. I'm home alone, so it's probably my mom or something. I opened the door and I saw it was Drake. What is he doing here? I asked him, and he just said calmly, "Just checking on you.' I want to smile. But I can't. Why did I do this to myself? I can't smile. I can't smile. Why am I so dangerous and mysterious? I can't smile, I can't smile. Why am I this? I ca- 'So what are you doing?' said Drake. I was shocked and looked up. I was probably staring at some pale or something. It's so hard not to smile.He asked if he could come in, and I said yes. Stupid. I made him some coffee, and he said he rather liked fresh mint tea. I'm bad at making tea, and I spilled the whole floor. While he saw that he came, without asking, to help me clean it up, he held my hands and stood behind me, ready to lead my hands to do the right thing. I snatched away and shouted that I could do it myself. Phew, that was close! He jumped away and looked sad. 'That was not what i meant, i just..' he interrupted abruptly and said 'You are doing it wrong, I'll come tomorrow and see if you can do something more'. He just left without warning me that he was going to and shut the door. Confused. I knew something was a little off about him. I mean ofc he's so cute and kind, but.. he's acting weird. Too weird.

As he left and I saw him jump on his bike I saw something white on the floor that he dropped while leaving because it can't be from me, and also not from my parents because I was sure that it wasn't there before he came over without asking or warning me.

I'm myself

I wanted to stop him from giving it back, but he had already left. I saw the backwheel of his bike, and then it disappeared while he was riding off the hill. I looked at the thing he dropped. It was a letter.. A letter he wrote himself. I recognize his handwriting from the name on his books and the round corners of his sketchbook with that hairy paper. I couldn't resist my curiosity, and after a while, I decided to read it.

Dear Ellie,

in the whole wide world

i saw a few

beautiful girls

but the one who i always loved

was you.

you made my sky not only blue

it's in the colours of the rainbow

and when i look into your eyes

my heart glow

Your hair looks like gold


im very cold

You warm me up with all your hotness

And you suck me in all your beautifulness

I just want one more thing

not money or a ring

i want to see your smile

i'm moving here for my dads work

and i just live away one mile

Dear Ellie,

you are the only one i want to see

maybe it's not otherwise, but..

I love you

With all my heart

even if it breaks

I wish you a lot of luck


This is not normal.

I saw Drake sitting under the beautiful tree, and I wanted to smile so bad.. should I give it back? Sadness was coming up.. maybe it wasn't for me.. maybe.. I'll just do it.. Do it. You can do it.. I counted to three as I stepped towards him. I gave it in silence. He looked surprised to see his letter in my hands. 'Did you read it?' he asked hopefully to a yes-answer; I slightly nodded and said 'yes..' . Then, I noticed that he looked sad all of a sudden.. The letter was for someone, that's for sure, but that someone is not me. Probably another, Ellie. He asked,'I'm sorry, i.. I will give you it later but.. you probably think now that I'm a creep, huh?'. I stared at him, not knowing what to do. The embarrassing silence is growing.. I stare into the sea full of wonders, and he is staring into the volcano, trying not to explode. I feel my cheeks becoming hot. My face is all red. Adventually, he broke the silence: 'S.. sorry, i should'nt..' i interrupted him and said, 'Can you teach me how to make tea?'. Why did i tell that? Why? I looked in fear around the room, looking desperate for a good excuse to go away. But I already heard his warm, gentle voice say,'Tomorrow, 6pm. I'll come by your house and I'll teach you everything!' He slightly smiled, stepped towards the door and left while whispering 'Don't forget it, Tomorrow 6pm'.

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