What just happend?

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A normal autumn day.

I packed my lunch and jumped on my bike.

The beautiful sky, red from the sun.. then slightly yellow and orange with the clouds and if i look straight up i see blue! A rainbow!

I turned to the left and then to the right. This time I see the fallen leaves underneath the bald trees. The winter is coming soon and the plants look dead, buried in the snow.

My school is in sight. I'm in middle school in the 10th grade with some friends, but one bff where I can always hug. I looked at my watch again. 8:17am, I'm almost too late! I rushed to the bicycle storage and put my helmet off and carefully let it hang on the steer of my wheel, runned to the gate and.. he's closed. I cursed myself and walked towards the reception to get a note. The woman on the other side of the bureau is very sweet but.. also too protective! She asked things like 'what happened?' or 'are you ok?' and more endless questions.. I blocked the conversation with a sign that I have to go and i runned as fast as I could to my classroom. I tried to open the door quietly but.. I forgot that you can't open the door from the outside.. So I knocked three times and nothing.. I tried again.. silence.. I looked at the painted red room number on the door, oh no! This is the wrong classroom! I was so confused and rushed downstairs and finally found my own classroom. This time I knocked on the door and my teacher opened it. The whole class stared at me like i've done the worst thing ever. I embarrassingly rushed to my wooden chair and Jessica said to me 'omg ur always late! What happened?'I knew she didn't care and I knew directly that she was going to add something sarcastic. And that's also exactly what she did, which embarrassed me from the whole class 'Did mommy forget to cut some fruit for you?'

Everyone laughed.I hate that girl so much! Now I'm even more uncomfortable and she just embarrassed me in front of the whole class! We did some math and then science, my favorite course! Then we took a break and went to the playground. I walked towards my best but only friend but.. she looked angry and stepped back. I thought she was just teasing me so I stepped back a bit forward. She angrily walked away with hard footsteps and the face of the devil. Did I do something wrong? I walked up to her and I asked that question. She responded red with rage: 'STOP IT!'

I responded calmly and giggling 'No you stop it!'. Then she said 'Now you stop it! You're the one who did it!'.. I was so confused. What? What did I do? I waited patiently and said 'I don't know what you're talking about Bea i do-' 'Do you really think you will get away with it so easily!?' She yelled even more 'I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!' And she runned away in angry tears of disappointment. I just stood there thinking over what just happened. I was so confused. I looked around if anyone saw what just happened, and yeah, everyone was already gathered in a circle around us.. Within a few seconds Jessica, who was also in the circle and saw everything, runned fast but calmly in the direction Bea runned. Of course I already thought Jessica had to do something with this whole situation. But that doesn't matter now, now I just have to try to get out of the massive circle without exploding from the questions and so-called 'advice' people gave me. But that only makes it worse. I just runned out of the circle with a surprisingly fast speed and runned straight toward the toilet where I endlessly cried. 

The broken curseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant