Chapter Sixteen: Ignorance Is Bliss

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In the cool watery cocoon of the bathtub, Selene's hair spread out like a veil, swaying gently in the liquid currents. The world above warped and distorted through the lens of water, as she submerged herself deeper into the cerulean abyss. Her mind, awash in shades of blue, wrestled with the revelation that even an ancient demon couldn't decipher her true nature, casting doubt upon her very identity.

The urge to flee surged within her—a longing to return to the comforting embrace of home, to seek solace and understanding from her parents. Would they accept her? Would they help unravel the mysteries of her origin? The need for answers gnawed at her, compelling her to seek refuge in the tranquil depths of the tub.

With each exhaled breath, bubbles escaped her lips, rising like transient messengers of her inner turmoil. She watched them dance toward the surface, envying their freedom as they met their demise with a soft pop against the water's surface.

Suddenly, olive-toned hands broke through the barrier between worlds, drawing her back to reality. Selene emerged from the depths, water cascading from her blonde locks in shimmering rivulets. The chill of the air against her damp skin sent shivers coursing through her body, her clothes clinging uncomfortably to her form as she grappled with the abrupt transition from the watery sanctuary of the tub to the harsh reality of the world above.

Amidst Blair's concerned expression, Selene found herself confronted once more with the weight of her own uncertainty. Blair's eyes bore into hers, searching for answers amidst the turmoil that flickered behind Selene's gaze.

"Are you trying to die?" Blair's voice cut through the silence, filled with genuine concern.

With a soft sigh, Blair moved with purpose around the bathroom, retrieving a clean towel for Selene. The fabric, a muted shade of grey, cradled Selene's trembling form as Blair wrapped it snugly around her shoulders.

As Selene leaned into Blair's embrace, a sense of peace enveloped her, momentarily easing the weight of her troubled thoughts. The softness of Blair's green bed beneath them provided a comforting refuge amidst the storm of uncertainty that raged within Selene's mind.

Blair's emerald eyes reflected concern and compassion as she held Selene close, her worries momentarily forgotten as she focused on providing solace to her friend.

"Would you like a snack or something?" Blair's voice broke the silence, offering a small gesture of kindness.

But as Selene checked the time, her smile faded, replaced by a furrow of concern. "I can't." She murmured; her voice tinged with regret. "I have to meet with Ellora and Leland today for something important." The weight of her responsibilities bore down on her, reminding her of the urgency of the task ahead.

Blair nodded in understanding, her expression softening with empathy. She didn't pry further, knowing that Selene would share what she could when she was ready. Instead, she offered a reassuring squeeze of Selene's hand, a silent gesture of support amidst everything.

In a trance-like state, Selene changed into dry clothes and made her way through the dormitory corridors with a sense of detachment. Each step echoed softly in the hallway's silence, guiding her toward the designated meeting room where Ellora awaited.

As she reached the door, Selene hesitated, her hand hovering over the cool metal handle. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for what lay beyond, knowing that the conversation awaiting her would be far from ordinary. Pushing open the door, she stepped into the meeting room, immediately enveloped in the warm glow of candlelight and the scent of aged parchment.

Ellora stood at the forefront, her fiery red locks cascading like a waterfall of molten copper over her shoulders. Her posture exuded poise and purpose, her eyes alight with a subtle urgency that belied the gravity of the situation. Nearby, Leland sat surrounded by a stack of books, a testament to his scholarly pursuits.

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