chapter 2: it was an accident

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uzi's pov

I grabbed my indoor shoes from my shoe locker, eyes blurry from eyedrops in the morning (my eyes are dry as fuck in the mornings during spring). As I closed the door to the locker, I was met face-to-face with Lily, whose hazel eyes were filled with a look of mischief. I promptly screamed.

"Got you. You're easy to freak out sometimes, Uzi." She snickered.

"Bite me! I-i was just being nice!" I protested.

Lily started laughing. "Yeah, riiiiight. Anyway, race you to class?"

I was midway through putting on my indoor shoes. "LILY THAT'S NOT FRICKING FAIR- AAaaaaaand she's gone." I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I guess I'll just head over to class. Lily is much faster than me, as far as I know. I have no chance, unless I like, have a knife and throw it at her.




I tossed around a mechanical pencil with Lily during lunch. Sure, it was unsafe, but no one stopped us, and neither of us had, God forbid, stabbed our eyes out. We're just two teenagers throwing a sharp metal object around. Maybe five or six other kids were in the classroom with us during lunch.

"Hey, uh, Uzi? This feels a little...unsafe." The redhead's voice broke the quiet in the room as she tossed the pencil back to me.

I threw it back. "Pff- it's not like either of us are initiating an actual fight. We're being careful."

"If you say so..." I watched as Lily tossed the pencil again.

Then I heard a loud gasp. It was probably from Lily, but I didn't see her face. In fact, I couldn't see anything out of my right eye.

"UZI!! UZI, I'M SO SORRY!" I heard her yell.

"What? What's the issue here?" I frowned. "This isn't a big deal."

"Uh, okay, so HAVING A FUCKING PENCIL LODGED INTO YOUR EYE IS NOT AN ISSUE?!" She shouted. Out of my peripheral, I could see a group of four turn to face me. One of them lifted up his arm to cover a smaller kid's eyes. Then I saw the red armband.

Fuck, it's some of the student council kids. I put my hand up to my face and wiped off a shit ton of blood. I opened my mouth to speak, only for one of the boys to rush up to me before I could say a word.

niko's pov

a few minutes prior

I finally got the okay from the doctor's office that Luka could be back with his normal homeroom (fairly quickly at that), so now we were in his classroom, four desks pushed together, eating lunch together, me, him, Vienna, and Jules.

Cynthia was with another group of girls outside on the rooftop eating lunch, and Aiko was off-campus walking Lucky while picking up some lunch. She doesn't pack lunch for some reason.

We were just hanging out and talking and having fun like we normally do at home.

Well, I was kind of tired. But I'm always tired. I've been tired every day for the past three years.

Probably burnout.

It was fine.

Until something behind me happened.

A girl was basically screaming at her friend who was basically covered in blood. There was a pencil lodged into her eye. I quickly threw up a hand to cover Luka's eyes as he would most definitely be terrified.

The purple-haired girl, the one who was hurt, looked at me and was about to say something when I ran over to her.

"Are you okay?!" I said a little louder than I wanted to. I pulled out a handkerchief from my pocket and had her hold it underneath the pencil.

"I'm fine!" She kept on insisting that she was okay.

Well, as a student council member, it should be my responsibility to make sure that the students are safe. Clearly, this is a huge issue that could definitely get me or the other members kicked off if not dealt with. I shook my head. "I'm going to escort you to the infirmary. Then I'll... proooooobably call 911 after that. Sound good?" I didn't wait for an answer. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her along down the hallway.

We walked down the hallway together.

"I realized I never caught your name." I mentioned, just to break the silence a little bit.

"Uzi." She replied blankly. "My name is Uzi."

"Nice to meet you, Uzi! I'm Niko! Niko Akamine!" I grinned.

"I guess we're here?" Uzi slid open the door to the infirmary. The nurse was fussing over Uzi to the point that the latter was uncomfortable. As soon as I heard the words "ice pack" from the nurse's mouth, I immediately made the decision to take initiative.

"Miss, if I may-" I coughed. "I actually happen to be first-aid certified. I can probably handle this, I just needed the right materials-!" I managed to squeak. The nurse nodded, looking back at her unopened lunch.

I have keys to pretty much everywhere, so I unlocked one of the cabinets and got a paper cup and some gauze.

"Tell me if it hurts," I told Uzi the same thing I'd say to my siblings. I placed the cup over the pencil and wrapped gauze around the girl's head, over both eyes. I learned this procedure from a YouTube video, but it worked last time I did it.

Long story.

I quickly dialed 911 and left the infirmary.

"911, what's your emergency?"
" my friend has a pencil lodged into her eye..."

"...Oh! I assume you'd like an ambulance?"

"Yeah, actually. Sorry, it's just-"

"No need to explain. A pencil in someone's eye is a huge deal. We'll send an ambulance shortly. Just to confirm, where are you at the moment?"

"Oh, Copper Preparatory High School. Sorry, I should have said that earlier..."

"Don't apologize! I understand that it's quite the panic, considering your situation."


"I just sent out the message to get an ambulance. The paramedics will see you shortly."

"Thank you!"

I hung up my phone and looked at Uzi. "I called an ambulance."

"I can't fucking see anything." She hissed.

"That's the point-? It's hard to explain."

"I'll take your word for it." If she could see, I swear she'd be rolling her eyes at me.

Both of us heard sirens outside. "That should be ours. Here, hold my hand." I extended a hand to her. Considering her alternative option was to run into every wall, she reluctantly placed her cold hand in mine.

a/n: headcanon that uzi's hands are eternally cold

I ran with her through the hallways, trying not to pass by any classrooms.

A red-haired girl stopped me.

"H-hey...uh..." She fumbled over her words. "Don't you have like- student council things? I should take Uzi on the ambulance. It's my fault, anyway. Also, wouldn't your parents be worried? Hospital visits take a while, a-"

"I don't have parents." I cut her off. "There's no one to really worry about me. You need to take classes, though." I smiled softly. 

Murder Drones: Copper High (read desc!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें