Chapter 7: recruitment

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⚠️Warning: this chapter contains suicidal tendencies, suicide is no joke⚠️

Two days had passed, and things had happened, the test subjects they had captured were killed, so a security check was done on the cadets' ODM.

Y/n: I don't see anything suspicious in the cadets' ODM, what about you Levi?

Levi: it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, whoever did this, did it cautiously...

Y/n: yes, I think so...

Y/n, after that he went to his room, and sat on the bed, thinking about what could be happening among the cadets, if there was any traitor among them, he should think carefully and with moderation.

*Knock Knock*

Y/n he opened the door and it was Petra.

Petra: I- I'm glad to see you C- Captain, we need your help!

Y/n: with what, specifically?

Petra: It's Eren, he can't transform into a titan!

Y/n: I understand, take me with them...Petra went with him to the horses and after galloping for about half an hour, they reached where Eren was.

Y/n: Where is he?

Petra: he is in that well, maybe you are the trigger for him to transform into a titan.

Y/n: I'll see what I do

Y/n approached the well and looked down to see Eren with his hands all bitten and bloody.

Y/n: What's wrong, Eren? can't you transform?

Eren: C- Captain, I don't understand what's wrong with me, I'm supposed to transform every time I get hurt!

Y/n: If you want, I'll hurt you, let's see if that transforms you!

Eren: There's no point, I can't transform!

Y/n looked back and gave an order.

Y/n: get him out of there, there's no point.

Gunther: Understood!After a few minutes, they took Eren out of the place where he was.

Y/n: How is it possible that he can't transform?!

Eld: maybe he doesn't have a goal to transform...

Y/n: maybe if we give him a target, he will transform perfectly...

Y/n threw a rock towards Eren.

Y/n: pick it up titan boy!

Eren: Ummm, ok

Eren took the rock and suddenly lightning hit him and suddenly his arm transformed with the rock in hand.

Levi: interesting...Y/n's hypothesis was true, he needs a target to transform.

Hange: WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Eren transformed!

Y/n: can you move your arm?

Eren: N- No captain!

Y/n I'll get it out of there, don't worry...

Y/n climbed onto the titan's arm and then cut the ligaments on Eren's titan's arm and took him out of there.

Eren: I- I think we found a way to make me transform.

Levi: but now can you seal the wall?

Y/n: you are demanding a lot of him, let him master the titan form, take care of him, I'll go think somewhere else...

Levi: Are you just going to leave? I will have to inform Erwin of this...

Y/n: inform him ok? I'm not up for anyone's scolding...

Y/n then got on his horse and went to Trost's bar to get drunk.but suddenly he found Armin nearby.

Armin: C-Captain?

Y/n: move, cadet Arlert, don't interrupt me...

Armin: What are you doing in this bar?

Y/n: and what does it matter to you? What I do with my life is my business...

Y/n moved Armin roughly from the door and sat in the canteen and after that he started getting drunk.

Armin: Captain, I don't think you should do that.

Y/n: oh yeah? and you shouldn't be meddling in my affairs...

Y/n after that took another sip of beer.

Armin: please don't self-destruct yourself-

Y/n: Look, if you don't get out of here, right now, I'll make sure you get kicked out of here.

Armin: B- but captain-

Y/n: that's enough! Get out of here right now!

Armin left the bar, leaving Y/n alone to get drunk.

Timeskip (14 beers later)

Y/n: (thinking) life is funny, I signed up to kill titans, and what happens? I ally myself with a titan, it's stupid... damn, maybe I should kill myself...

Erwin: I was wondering where you were...

Y/n: Erwin, leave me alone, I just want to remember my late future wife and my baby.

Erwin: Is what Levi told me true? that you left Eren and the rest alone to come get drunk?

Y/n: what if that were the case? What would my punishment be?

Erwin: I don't come to punish you, but to tell you that the new cadets are ready for you to introduce yourself...

Y/n: fuck the new cadets. I'll show up when I'm sober...

Y/n took a sip of beer again, it was the 15th.

Erwin: It's disrespectful to you and to the new cadets that you don't show up now! please L/n!

Y/n: I don't care... fine me if you want, but I won't go see the new cadets...

suddenly Erwin took Y/n's beer and threw it on the floor.

Erwin: I'm ashamed that you are the second captain of the survey corps...

Y/n: ...

Erwin left the bar leaving Y/n alone.

Y/n: fuck you commander, if you understood me, everything would be easier...

Y/n after that left the bar all drunk to his bedroom, where he would be alone, he took a revolver that he had from under his bed, a gift from the king himself that had his initials engraved on the barrel, and began to playing Russian roulette, the first shot didn't go off, the second didn't go off either, and the third didn't go off either, so he turned the barrel of the revolver, and pulled the trigger, but nothing, no bullet came out. He was about to pull the trigger for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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