chapter 2: the captain teachin' the newbies

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Levi: I can't believe you lost your future wife, I'm so sorry...

Y/n: don't worry Levi, I can live with it...

Y/n was in the stable, and he was about to ride Sapphire, but Levi held him back at that

Levi: don't go, we still have to do things

Y/n: I just need time for myself, I lost my future wife, and my future son or daughter.

Levi was shocked by what he told him.

Levi: Was your girlfriend pregnant?

Y/n: yes, so if you'll excuse me, I'll go to the Trost district, because I need time alone...

Y/n then he went on horseback to the Trost district, obviously in his civilian clothes. On the way,
Y/n's tears escaped, the pain was so strong that he felt like his world was ending.

Y/n: damn titans, I will make you suffer when I see you!!!

Mikasa Pov

Seeing how Mrs. Jaeger survived the attack of the titans, she made me feel calmer, because at least I didn't lose another family, but I saw Eren sad, so I decided to talk to him.

Mikasa: Eren, what's wrong? I notice you a little sad

Eren: It's nothing, I just miss my father.

Mikasa: don't worry, he'll be here soon.
suddenly I see Eren start to cry, because of what I told him

Mikasa: don't cry Eren, you have to have faith that he will come back.


suddenly I saw Eren running aimlessly and Armin saw him running.

Armin: What happened Mikasa?

Mikasa: I think he doesn't have faith that his father will return.

Armin: It's a shame, really.


3rd person pov

During the course of time, a group of civilians went to look for supplies at the Wall Maria field,
very few arrived alive, among them, Armin's grandfather died, who had left him the straw hat that his grandfather had as a souvenir.

Eren: Hey, I'm sorry for getting like that, I didn't realize that you were having a hard time too.

Armin: I would have liked to take my grandfather's place, and have him here with me...

Mrs. Jaeger: I am very sorry for your loss, darling, if you want we will take care of you now.

Armin: thank you Mrs. Jaeger.


A few years passed and the three boys enlisted in the army.

Shadis: Listen well Worms! From now on you will be under the command of me and Captain Y/n
L/n! We will give them intensive training so that you become a titan killing machine.

instructor Shadis, who was asking the cadets one by one who they were, in the distance, Y/n contemplated the instruction method of Shadis, the former commander of the survey corps, so she decided to make herself noticed with the ODM, make a maneuver and fall in front of the cadets.

Shadis: hey, they are children who are entering a war, be more compassionate will you!!!

Y/n: My mistake, sorry.

Jean: how presumptuous, we are only cadets, and this brute only knows how to do tricks.

Y/n heard what Jean said, and he approached him and questioned him.

Y/n: Name?

Jean: Jean Kirstein, and let me tell you, you are a show-off.

Y/n: yes?

Y/n after that, hit him in the stomach, leaving him breathless, and then grabbed his head and kneed the cadet in the nose.

Y/n: who said you could writhe in pain, huh?! Get up and pull yourself together!

After that Y/n turned to the next cadet in the row in front, and she was a woman with jet black hair, of an Asian build.

Y/n: Name?

Mikasa: Mikasa Ackerman sir!

Y/n was surprised to hear that name again and also saw that there was the son of the woman he
saved in the Shiganshina district.

Y/n: Mikasa huh? I will keep you in mind...


After everyone presented themselves to Mr. Shadis, and Y/n, the cadets went to eat, to which Y/n, from the roof of the boys' cabins, watched Mikasa from afar.

Y/n: (thinking) why the hell are those two children they rescued in Shiganshina?! What would
have happened there???

Y/n after that went down to the mainland, and headed to Shadis' cabin.

Shadis: You are very conceited from time to time, Captain Y/n...

Y/n: I may be conceited, but at least I have respect for the boys.

Shadis looked at Y/n and he was planning the next exams, one for intelligence, another for skill,
and another for combat.

Y/n: these exams, I hope they are convincing.

Shadis: they will be the most forceful there is, if they can't handle the pressure of the training camp, let them leave.

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