Chapter 3: The Battle of Trost Part 1

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the graduation day was coming. and Y/n saw with pride the cadets that he had trained for three years.

Shadis: Come on a minute, it's time to decide which cadets are the top.

Y/n: understood.

Y/n sat in the chair that was in Shadis' office, and they began to analyze the cadets.

Y/n: I have seen good progress in each of the cadets, but I don't know who to choose.

Shadis: It's a very difficult decision. but it has to be done.

Y/n: Look, that blonde girl, Cadet Krista, she's easily in the top 10, but in 10th place.

Shadis: I see, but who else will make up the top?

Y/n: I see that there is a group of 3 cadets who know each other a lot, cadets Leonheart, Hoover
and Braun.

Shadis: Those will go in what positions?

Y/n: Braun at number 2, Hoover at number 3 and Leonheart at number 4

Shadis: I have also noticed a lot that cadets Bodt, Kirstein, Braus and Springer are strong
candidates for the top.

Y/n: Braus at number 9, Springer at number 8, Bodt at number 7, and Kirstein at number 6

Shadis: I see that there are only two cadets left, I will choose those.

Y/n: understood, but who will they be?

Shadis: The Ackermann girl, and the Jaeger brat.

Y/n: put them however you want, I won't say anything.

Y/n was leaving the place, until Shadis spoke.

Shadis: Boy, they left you in charge of these guys, until further notice, Smith's orders.

Y/n: what? why?

Shadis: because of your incident, they think that you want to go kill against the titans, so you
will be in charge of the cadets until further notice...

Y/n: it's not fair! I am the captain of the survey corps! They can't do this to me!

Shadis: I just gave you the message, if you want to complain, talk to Erwin.

Y/n left there angry, because they had temporarily dismissed him.

Y/n: (thinking) What is that airheaded commander thinking about? He cannot lower me to the
level of children who are not even prepared!!!

Y/n went to the cabin and he locked himself in.

Knock Knock

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, he went to see who it was and it was Cadet Ackerman.

Y/n: I'm not in the mood now cadet, so she can retire.

Mikasa: there is a small problem in the dining room, I need you to come

Y/n: It's Eren and Jean, right?

Y/n left there upset and went straight to the dining room, where Jean and Eren were hitting each

Y/n: Let's see girls, what the hell is happening?!

Connie: They started hitting each other because Eren started bragging that he was stronger than

Y/n: why do I bother to ask...

Y/n separated the two and they were still throwing punches, and both of their fists hit Y/n's head.

Some were afraid, others were scared, and two were holding back their laughter.


They all ran away, but Mikasa went up to Eren and gave

him a little punch on the shoulder.

Mikasa: Eren, behave well, look how all this ended, because of you two...

Y/n: Didn't I tell you to go to sleep?! You are all punished!

Mikasa got scared and ran to the girls' room.

Y/n: It's a shame that you two fight over something stupid, your way of being outrages me, but I

already have a punishment prepared for you...

Jean: It doesn't matter, I didn't start this shit-


Jean got scared and expected the worst. y/n put his hands at the level of both of their necks.

Y/n: Choke on my hands.

Eren: what are you talking about?

Y/n: NOW!!!

Both recruits approached Y/n's hands, and he grabbed them by the neck, and they began to writhe in pain, because Y/n was leaving them breathless, and to show that he is not as ordinary as any captain, he lifted them up with his strength. A minute passed, and then I let them go. both cadets were trying to breathe, while Y/n looked at them as if they were weak beings with no chance of surviving in the war against the titans.

Y/n: that's part one, part two is the most brutal.

Jean and Eren looked at each other with fear, and wanting to run away.


It was morning and the two cadets were on the ground, after they could not bear the punishment, they did push-ups until it hurt, with the purpose of finally saying who is the strongest among them.

The cadets, seeing Eren and Jean on the floor, exhausted, and without any sleep, were terrified.

Sasha: better not make the captain angry, what a horror he would have done to them at the time...

Connie: Yes, I'm really scared of the captain now.


Mikasa after that approached the captain.

Mikasa: you shouldn't have been so hard on Eren...

Y/n: I don't like punishing anyone, but when they deserve it, they deserve it.

Mikasa: but it didn't have to be so hard.

Y/n: well, I'm the one who gives the punishments, and how I do them...

Mikasa looked crestfallen after what the captain said.

Y/n: but if you fail at something, I won't be so hard on you...

Mikasa got a little embarrassed and ran away from there.

Y/n: That really took her by surprise, ha ha.

While everyone was training, Y/n approached Mikasa, with the purpose of training her her way.

Y/n: show me what you know...

Mikasa: okay, but don't be soft on me

Y/n: ah, you want me to be rough with you... interesting...

Mikasa after that ran up to Y/n with the intention of disarming him, but he was more agile and he
ended up knocking Mikasa to the ground.

Y/n: that's all?

Mikasa after that got up and continued trying to disarm him, until Y/n grabbed her wrist and laid

her on the floor, and approached her very, very close to her, and told her.

Y/n: You wanted me to be rude, here you go...

Mikasa blushed and stood up.

Mikasa: it's better to leave the training here.

Y/n: what a shame, I was starting to like training...

Y/n approached Connie, who was lazing around.

Y/n: get up you lazy bastard.

Connie got up as quickly as possible.

Connie: Forgive me, my majesty!

Y/n: well, if you like lazing around, it means you're good.

Connie: Eh, not completely, captain, the times they paired me I always ended up on the floor...

Y/n: well, that's why you have to keep training, until you are the best...

Connie: thanks for the advice captain!

Y/n left there and watched them from the roof, to see how they were progressing, and suddenly
she looked at Mikasa, for about 2 minutes, until she turned her gaze to poor Eren, who was dejected.

Y/n: (thinking) there are certain people who stand out a lot, and others need to review more, Idon't know what will happen if we lose the best...


It was graduation day, and everyone was excited.

Connie: this torture is finally over!

Y/n: this is just beginning, cadet...

Connie gets scared and looks at the captain who was behind him, while he was leaving there,
and was preparing with Shadis to say the top 10 cadets.

Shadis: you arrived as pig shit, and now you are just shit, but every effort has its reward, so move
forward the 10 best cadets of the 104th

The cadets became nervous.

Shadis: Krista Lenz!

Krista went ahead.

Y/n: Sasha Braus!

Sasha step forward

Shadis: Connie Springer!

Connie stepped forward proudly.

Y/n: Marco Bodt!

Marco step forward with his friends

Shadis: Jean Kirstein!

Jean stepped forward.

Y/n: Eren Jaeger!

Eren step forward

Shadis: Annie Leonheart!

Annie stepped forward with a look of discouragement.

Y/n: Berthold Hoover!

Berthold step forward

Shadis: Reiner Braun!

Reiner stepped forward with a confident look.

Y/n: and now, cadet number one, Mikasa Ackerman!

Mikasa stepped forward with a normal look.


After graduation, the soldiers went to the central dining room to celebrate, while everyone was talking and celebrating, Y/n saw that Mikasa was leaving the place, she followed her for 4 minutes until she arrived at a specific place, Mikasa sat down. on the floor, and began to see the stars, to which Y/n crept closer, until he came to sit next to her.

Y/n: The night is beautiful, isn't it?

Mikasa was scared by how he appeared out of nowhere.

Mikasa: you scared me, captain.

Y/n: wow, I didn't think I would be so ugly to scare you, cadet.

Mikasa: well, you're not ugly...

Y/n was surprised by the comment.

MIkasa: I'm going to be honest, captain, I don't know if I'm prepared to lose someone on the

Y/n: I wasn't prepared either, but at the end of the day, life is unpredictable...

Mikasa: I know that Armin and Eren would give their lives for humanity, but I couldn't watch
them die.

Y/n: and I had to watch my future wife and son die in front of my eyes by the titans.

Mikasa: I didn't know captain, I'm sorry to hear that, besides, I also lost my parents, and I was
adopted by the Jaegers...

Y/n: my condolences for the loss of your parents.

Mikasa: Well, it's a happy night to talk about death... let's go back to the others, I don't want the
others to think that we are doing something.

Y/n: well, I wouldn't mind if they thought there was something going on between us...

Mikasa blushes because of what the captain said.

Mikasa: well, it wouldn't affect you, but it would affect me.

Y/n: ha ha ha ha, well... let's go back


It was morning and Y/n was on top of the wall, watching the others work. from cleaning stables,
to organizing supplies, but suddenly, he sees with his eyes that a hooded figure was approaching the entrance to the Trost district, and suddenly lightning strikes and the colossal
titan appears.

to which Y/n is amazed and scared, and suddenly feels a tremor, and it turns out that they
knocked down the entrance for the titans to enter. Y/n did not sit idly by and decided to tell the rest to prepare, while he stood guard, and then saw that the titans would soon enter.

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