Evren kneels before her and gives Vega his warmth, hugging her sadness away, trying to soothe her down.

"Vega, darling, listen to me. For our precious gem, for our daughter, you must stay strong!" Evren speaks with determination in his voice, "We try our best, but everything is not up to us. We cannot pivot the future and draft it to our liking but we pick out from the best choices that we are allowed to have. The choices that we can make to protect our loved ones."


"Vegaria, look at me" Evren 

A moment ago heart-broken girl looked up to the person who called out to her, her eyes filling with sadness, anger, and determination. More strongly than ever, there seems to be something much more dangerous in those glittering pairs of stars.

Evren gives a slight tuck at the corner of his mouth, "That is my lady, my Vega, my star. Those eyes that I fell head over the heel for."

"When?" Vega

"Before dawn. His army will be here before dawn." Evren gives a stern expression in a stern tone with hidden fears in his voice.

Vega gets up and walks over to a tiny sleeping figure on a bed, she caressingly picks her up gently in her arms. The sorrowfulness of parting shows on her face, she hugs the baby tight to her chest, afraid if to lets go, they will never cross paths ever again. Then Vega glances up at the man who was staring at her, his eyes full of emotions, full of love and sadness.

Vega pecked gently at the baby's forehead and spoke the language that one can't interpret, she softly whispered, like quietly reciting a beautiful magic that no one knows.

Evren keeps his eyes on them both for a while, then he snaps out of it. Brings his mind back to the consequences of reality. He hurriedly sprints to the cabinet and takes out a big handbag, he quickly shoves everything he can find and can fit into the bag.

"Evren" a soft and tired voice recalls from behind, Evren turns and Vega hands a baby in her arm to him. He yanks a bag over his shoulders, then gently takes the baby into his arms.

"I have eradicated her memories and seals her power. But I am not sure if her power can be sealed for eternity, by the time she came of age when her consciousness and understanding grew, then it was not within my ability to stop her." Vega

"So Evren, make sure to keep her safe, safe from them, promise me you help her live her life as a normal person as possible. Whether she can change her fate or not, it is not only up to her or her destiny alone."

Evren free one of his hands and pulled Vega close, he slightly bent down, giving her a soft peck on her lips.

"You can trust me on that, my darling" Evren

Both give one another a slight smile Which full of emotion that one can't just describe by a simple single phrase. Their eyes lock on to each other with more than just a meaning of a lover, but a partner, a friendship, a strong life and death relationship that has been strung together for more than a mere century. Their eyes on each other speak the sentences that no one can know, the language that no one can interpret. 

"You knows, I'm a man of my word and dignity, I was born to fight, to plan, and to win," Evren, " Even though victory hasn't yet found its way to us, I'll make sure to find my way to it, and present the rewarding of my trophy to you." 

Vega hugs a man in front of her tightly, unwilling to let go, she tiptoes and pecks him back at his cheeks.

"So please, please wait for me, I will come back for you" Evren

"Evren a few more hundred or thousand years, I will always believe that you are here for me" Vega, " Go on Evren. Keeps our girl safe, until the next time I see her"

"Until next time I'll see you"

[To be continued]


Hello Everyone!! this is my first original story. I have been an editor on Wattpad for a while and now decided to start with my own story. I'm so excited.

I presented this above prologue as an introduction. The beginning of the plot or maybe some past memory. Well! who knows? So stay tuned for the next chapters:D

I will provide the key identification for you guys, to grasp onto story insight more better, for a convenient and enjoyable reading. Key identification can vary from chapter to chapter.

Key Identification:

-[...]: Ancient language

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