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Season One : Episode Four
'Jenny Joyce's Party'

A loud bang smacked against the oak doors of one of the many upstairs bedrooms in Jenny's mansion, Lara choosing to ignore it as she pulled her boyfriend back down to meet her lips.

Unfortunately her ignoring failed when continuous thuds hit against the bedroom door, the entrance soon flinging open as an angry Michelle popped her head through the doorway, a hand over her eyes.

"Look I said I'd be your lookout, but if you carry on ignoring me, Lara, I'll drag your entire family into this room."

The couple separated, Lara looking over to her friend with a scowl as she pushed her dress back into its original position.

At the end of the bed, David was pulling his black t-shirt back on, soon the plaid jacket following.

"You should probably get back before Jenny realises."

Lara left one final kiss on her boyfriend's lips before rushing him out of the room, Michelle grimacing at the display.

The blonde looked over to her curly haired friend, the black dressed teen standing slanted on one leg with her hands on her hips.

"The rest of them have arrived, I've lost Clare but Erin said there's something urgent she needs to tell everyone."

Lara let out a scoff, following Michelle out the room and down the huge staircase littered with people, she started mocking her sister's accent as her reply.
"I would like you all to know that Ive breathed recently. Go me."

"That's what I thought, but apparently it's actually serious like."

"Awks well I'm going getting a drink, I'll meet you all by the living room door right ?"

"Aye right."

The pair of opposites split off, Lara pulling her black mini dress back after it had risen from walking down the stairs and starting on her way towards the drinks table.
She grabbed a cup of Coke before walking over to the living room, planning on pouring some of Michelle's Glens bottle into the solo cup.

"Is the point 'I'd like to be beaten up?'"

Lara thought Michelle was on another rant about how boring the group was, that was until she looked over to where Clare was stood with a Union Jack plastered across her chest.

Oh they were fucked.

"Me wearing this should be meaningless. These are just colours and shapes. This flag is not an identity, we need to take the power out of these symbols."

Lara put a hand on the shorter girl's shoulder, turning her to face her.
"Genuine question Clare, have you lost your plot ?! You're gonna get us all stabbed."

"Why can you just be fucking normal ?" Michelle added to Lara's question, turning the attention to Orla afterwards. Who had just arrived in the little huddle with chocolate smothered across her mouth and slightly on her cheeks. "Enjoy the chocolate fountain Orla ?"

"Very much so."

As if the start of their night wasn't hectic enough with Erin apparently urgent news and Clare showing up looking she she's about to fly around a British ship, Jenny ran up to the group of her classmates with panic filling her body.

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