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Season One : Episode Two

Lara strolled up her street, clutching her coat close to her torso as the cold air nipped at her body, starting to wish she'd grabbed a jumper before leaving.

Luckily for her, Michelle lived on the street between her and her boyfriend, meaning she didn't need to detour in the rapidly increasing wind.

Soon enough, reached her curly haired friend's home. Just as Lara was about to knock, the handle shifted down and the door was pulled away from her, both her and an unsuspecting James almost having a heart attack upon each other's sudden appearance.

"Aigk ! James ? Sorry, I forgot you lived here now."
Lara flicked her hair back over her shoulder, still holding onto her chest after the sudden shock. She didn't notice how to older boys smile faltered at her words, too busy with her preoccupied mind.
"Michelle's not there is she ?"

The confused boy looked back down the hall briefly, noting his cousin jotting down the order for the chip shop she was dragging him to.

"Erm, she's just writing down the food order. I can get her if you want?"

"Nah it's okay, just ask her to cover for me tonight will you ?"

She gave James a quick smile and before he could answer she was already running down the road, loose blonde hair whipping behind her in the wind. As he went to turn to find Michelle, he jumped again at a hand on his shoulder dragging him out the door.

"Come on ball-bag. You're gonna make up fall in the rush."

All mind of Lara's message to Michelle was lost in his confused mind as his cousin shut the door behind him and dragged him across town, the opposite direction the blonde had ran in.

At the end of the rather long street Michelle Mallon lived on was Lara an out of breath Lara, a small breather needed before she attempted that steep cobble stone hill.

Just as she was about to start her hike, a large hand dropped on her back behind her, the thickness of her coat almost disguising it.

At the sudden realisation that someone was behind her on the dark, empty street. The girl let out a blood curdling scream, more screams coming out as a callus hand covered her mouth.

"Lar, God I forgot the pipes you've got on yourself."

Heavy breathing replaced Lara's screams when the humoured voice of David Donnelley came from the figure behind her. He quickly removed his hand from over her mouth once she stopped screaming, moving his hand that was on her back to be entwined with hers.

She turned to look at him, a couple salty tears falling from her eyes that had formed during the few seconds of terror.

"Lara ? You okay ?"

The musician was met by the blonde nodding slightly, a few more tears falling.
He instinctively pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her as she buried her face into the crook of his neck, his thick plaid jacket stopping the bitter weathering nipping at her face slightly.

"Aw birds sorry, I didn't mean to scare you y'know ."

A muffled "I know" met him through his t-shirt, the musician removing himself from their hug to direct them to his house, out of the miserable weather surrounding them.

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