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Season One : Episode One
'He's A Fella'

Lara eventually caught up to the other three, failing to run to the bus stop after staying back to say bye to her boyfriend, who just happened to also be her sister's life long crush.

By the time she had appeared behind Orla, the curly haired Michelle was loudly walking over to the rest of the group, a tall and lanky curly haired fella wondering behind her.

"Motherfuckers ! Motherfucker, it's my new thing. Watched this film last night me da got it off pirate Pauline, it's about these two lads and they wear these cracker suits and they walk about shooting people and eating cheeseburgers and they're all 'motherfucker this' 'motherfucker that'. It's got your man in it. What d'ya call him?The disco dancer from Look Who's Talking ?"

She flicked a few stray black curls back over her shoulder before finishing talking. The rest of the group staying silent.

"Who owns the fella ?"
Lara pointed behind her closest friend to the lowkey petrified looking boy.

"Me." She twisted her neck to look at him, dropping her half nice tone to her normal irritated one, "Well go on then bollock, are you introducing yourself or what !?"

"Hi, I'm Michelle's cousin, James ."

Orla leaned into Erin, failing her attempt at whispering. Lara wondering if her family seriously had an issue with their inability to be normal.
"Why's he making that funny noise ?"

"He's English Orla, that's the way they talk. He's my Aunty Cathy's wain. I told you about my Aunty Cathy, she went to England years ago to have an abortion, never came back. Never got the abortion either, lucky for you aye James."

"I didn't actually know that ."

Lara felt slightly bad for the poor fella stuck with them, everyone else ignoring him and his comments, basically his existence. She was used to that when dealing with Erin, but he clearly wasn't, so she sent him a sad smile before grabbing his arm to make sure he didn't get left behind with the quick moving group.

"What did he say ?"
"Nothing interesting."

Erin and Michelle linked arms infront of them, Clare speed walking infront whilst Orla wondered dazing behind. It was Orla though so she wouldn't leave without them noticing.

"What's he doing here ?"

"Cathy just got divorced so she's moved back, husband caught her doing the dirt on him. She's a bit of a gores our Cathy, riding rings around him so she was. Isn't that right James !"

Lara looked up to see another speechless look from James.

"No I mean here, at our bus stop ?"

"Oh, he's going to our school ."

Erin stopped them all abruptly, grabbing on to Clare infront so she would run ahead at this apparently important moment.

"But he's a fella."

"An effeminate fella."
Lara added, her sister nodding at the comment.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐒     •     DERRY GIRLSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें