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Season One : Episode One
'Stolen Cherry Lollies'

"She's gone too far this time mammy,"
Lara's peace was quickly disrupted by her older sister storming down the stairs with a patched up book in her hands and their cousin, Orla, in tow,
"What next, I'll catch her trying on all my knickers !"

"Don't say knickers infront of your father, he can't cope."

The blonde's eyes flicker from the bickering to her dad, who stood confused as usual at Erin's sudden appearance and annoyance.

"I can't cope."

The younger girl let out a rough voiced whisper, words cut off by their oblivious cousin.
"Now you know how we all feel when you start your jabbering, you- "
"Sure what's a pair of knickers between cousins ."

"Less of the knickers. And don't be rude Lara."

Lara gawped at her ma, slightly throwing her food back onto her plate.

"I won't put up with it anymore, teenagers have rights now yknow."

Lara couldn't get a word in sideways with Erin in the room, deciding that she would just stick to the murderous thoughts and eating her now cold toast.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"It's true Ma, sure Macaulay Culkin might be divorcing his parents ."

And with a look of horror off their mother, Erin's eyes seemed to loose all the confidence. Lara never knew where she got her tone from but it certainly wasn't welcomed by their ma.

"D'ya hear this?! This'll be someone at the stupid summer scheme you insisted we send her on. A bloody friends across the barticades thing. I have nothing against protestants, I am all for integration, I am, but if they're letting their wains divorce them !"

The comment was directed to their dad who , like Lara, also couldn't get a word in sideways with Erin and their mas conversation.

"Macaulay Culkin's not a protestant ma."

"It's only going to give out wains ideas."

"Well he might be. I didn't mean him at friends across the barricades ! "

"I don't care where you met him. You're not to see him again, understood."

Lara took the final bite of her toast smirking as Erin stood defeated for the conversation against their mam.


Everyone's attention turned to the television which was playing on her news still, the only one having heard the whole story was Lara's Grandda, but every mornings news was basically the same so there wasn't much surprise when he announced the important part of the journalism.

"A bomb on the bridge apparently."

Which sent their mother into a total panic, not really for the expected reason. Then again, in Derry this was the normal.

"No. Oh dear God no. Does this mean they can't get to school !' Mary turned to her husband before pointing shamelessly at her oldest two daughters. 'I've had a whole summer of it Gerry. Between them, those two are melting my head."

Lara let out a barely noticeable mumble of 'bit rude', shutting up as her dad sent her a warning scowl.

"Sure, their bus can go the long way round."

To stop yet another argument breaking out on the Quinn household, a knock came through the porch door and the girls mother rushed herself to go and answer it.

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