Episode 8: Shaking Up the Gym

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Rocklin: Okay, then, Aqua, it's time for your gym battle. So, are you ready to face the wrath of my earth-quaking ground type Pokémon?

Aqua: Oh, I was born ready.

Collin: She sounds determined. She can beat my cousin at any day.

Meisa: Do you think she's going to use the same strategy as the last gym?

Collin: Probably.

Rocklin: Alright. Then, let's start. GEODUDE, YOUR UP FIRST!!!

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Geodude: [APPEARING]

Aqua: Geo-what now? (Holds Dex Out)

Dex: Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. It uses its arms to steadily climb steep mountain paths. It swings its fists around if angered.

Aqua: Wow. Heh. Alright, Lillipup, you're up.

Meisa/Collin: LILLIPUP?!

Lillipup: [APPEARING]

Aqua: USE WORK UP!!!

Lillipup: [WORK UP MOVE]

Rocklin: Use Rock Tomb.



(Lillipup kicked the rocks away and hits Geodude with them, lowering its speed)

Aqua: That means we're faster. USE RETALIATE!!!


(And Retaliate takes down Geodude, gaining Aqua her first win)

Aqua: WOO!! One down, one to go.

Rocklin: Hmm. Not bad. Not bad at all. But, now, it's time for my true ace in the hole. ARCHEN, LET'S GO!!!


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