Episode 1: Into a New Adventure

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Girl: Okay, see ya guys later.

(As it was shown here, a blue-haired girl said goodbye to 3 of her friends and ran off)

Aqua's POV
My name is Aqua Lianna. I am a priest of some sorts, and I am a goddess to my homeland. Right now, there was a reigon called the Crystal Reigon, and it was a place filled with exploration. So, I took the opportunity, told my friends I'm off, and now I head onwards to where my adventure starts.

(The Plane Lands)

Aqua: So, this must be the Crystal Reigon. Not gonna lie. It looks beautiful. So, I have to head to a lab if I want to start off my adventure, but... where is it?

Person: I can show you where it is. Truth be told, I'm heading there myself.

Aqua: Ah, thanks.

(Scene Change to where they were walking towards the lab)

Person: So... what brought you here to the Crystal Reigon?

Aqua: I want new adventures, and this place has it.

Person: I see. Well, I wanted to start off my own adventure too, but my dad kept saying no, but like always, my mom said go for it before my dad went off to do his own thing.

Aqua: Right. Oh, by the way... what's your name?

Meisa: M-Meisa...my name is Meisa Tang.

Aqua: Well, nice to meet you, Meisa. I'm Aqua.

Meisa: Nice to see you too.

Professor (Distant): Hey, over here!!

Both: The Professor.

(The girls rushed up towards the Professor)

Professor: I'm so glad that you made it here.

Meisa: Yeah. I heard that you have something for new trainers.

Professor: That indeed I do. Follow me.

(Inside the lab)

Aqua: So, this is what the Professor's lab looks like. I had never seen this before.

Professor: Most labs are like this. But, anyway, since you two are new to this. I have 3 Pokémon Starters for you two.

Aqua: Pokémon? What's that?

Meisa: They are mystical creatures that live peacefully in this region. People and Pokémon live together by supporting each other. Some people play with Pokémon, some battle with them. But we don't know everything about Pokémon yet. There are still many mysteries to solve.

Aqua: Wow.

Professor: Thanks for telling her what I was about to say, Meisa.

Meisa: Ha ha, yeah, sorry about that.

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