chapter 12

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Pran squished his neck resembling a turtle and tried pushing Pat away by his shoulders. “Pat.” It was a whispered warning with an undertone of laughter. “Pran.” Pat called as he backed away about half a foot and not an inch more. Dimples out in full view and cheeks dusted with pink from trying to suppress his giggles, Pran looked like a treat. Pat couldn’t believe he had been so oblivious to his own feelings when he had this right in front of him. Pran’s laughter filled him with so much warmth, he couldn’t contain his own giggles.

Pat paused and looked into Pran’s hypnotising eyes. His pupils were blown wide in the dim light of the room, solely illuminated by smiley lights and the night lamp. His lashes casted beautiful shadows over his pink cheeks, his round little nose making him look even more cute. Pat’s gaze lowered further to his lips that were turned up at the corners in a soft smile.

Pat will forever be thankful to those lips for making him question some things and causing a beautiful chaos inside him, resulting in this miraculous outcome. He slowly peeled his eyes off of Pran’s lips and looked back up into his eyes and found them glued to Pat’s own lips. Was Pran thinking the same thing?

He inched forward slowly to give Pran enough time to back away, closing his eyes when his lips finally landed on Pran’s softer ones. It felt intoxicating to feel Pran’s lips moving against his. He backed away after a few seconds, relishing the new thrill. It seemed to be not enough for Pran who pulled him in by his collar and captured his lips with his own. Pat was only too happy to comply. Pran was lightly sucking on his lower lip making Pat’s brain malfunction. His hands cupped Pran’s face of their own accord as Pran’s hand moved to his neck leaving the other one fisted tightly around his collar.

What started as a soft kiss quickly developed into a longing fuelled, passionate one. How long had Pran been waiting to do this? As long as him? Or even longer? Pat wanted to give him everything he demanded and more. He met Pran halfway, returning the same passion until they couldn’t breathe anymore. They separated for a moment and Pat’s head felt dizzy, either from the exhilaration or from breathlessness, he couldn’t decide. But before he could form any coherent thoughts, Pran pulled him back in and he was lost again.

Pat had Pran’s lower lip between his own and he ran his tongue along its edge. It sent a shiver down Pran’s body that he could feel through his hands that were now on Pran’s back. He pulled Pran onto his lap and lowered himself onto the bed, pulling Pran on top of him. Their lips never left each other except to breathe small puffs of breaths in between hungry kisses. Slowly the kisses turned languid as their lips started to hurt. Pat never wanted to stop. He could do without breathing but not without Pran’s lips on his own.

Pran must have gotten his fill as he slowly backed away and Pat heard himself whine, eliciting a breathy laugh from Pran who rested his forehead against Pat’s. They stayed like that for a while, breathing into each other’s mouths with eyes still closed, trying to calm down.

Pran’s hands cupped his face, his thumbs caressed Pat’s cheeks lightly. Pat slowly opened his eyes with the biggest grin stretched across his face. Pran was already looking at him smiling his own dimpled smile back at his boyfriend. They were too close and his eyes were threatening to go cross eyed so he closed them again just relishing the feeling of relief and happiness that flooded through him.

Pran stole a peck from him and tried to get up but Pat’s arms were securely wrapped around his back holding him in place, not ready to let him go just yet. Pat opened his eyes and stole a peck of his own. Two can play at that game.

Two dozen stolen kisses and lots of low volumed laughter later, Pran finally tried getting up again. “Pat, I need to get up.”
“Why? Please don’t go." He gave him his best puppy dog eyes that he knew always worked on Pran. Lo and behold, they worked again as Pran didn’t say anything but lowered his head and rested his face in the crook of Pat’s neck, resigning to lay there quietly for as long as Pat wanted. And Pran should have thought it through because after Pat has had a taste of Pran’s love, he wanted forever.

They knew they had some tough battles and wars waiting for them in the future, but they also knew that it was always going to be them against the world, always side by side and always hand in hand.

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