WOW S2 - Chapter 1: Onyrix

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In the World of Dreams, TinkerBell and the Shaman were planning revenge on the eight girls.

"Those girls thought they could get rid of us, but they thought wrong," TinkerBell taunted.

"What do you have planned for them, my queen?" the Shaman asked.

"Everyone has a personal weakness. It's about time we exploit them. Let's start with Bloom. She sometimes has a hard time discerning truth from illusion. But I know the perfect match for her. Bring out the nemeses! Maya! Come forward!"

Maya appeared out of a dark void.

"As for Stella, she is confident on the outside, but she is insecure on the inside. Who would have thought that the fairy of the sun and the moon could be hiding behind so much doubt. Obscura!"

Obscura emerged from a shadow vortex, laughing.

"What about Flora and Roxy?" the Shaman asked.

"Nature is their weakness. If nature dies, they lose all connection. Morana is the perfect choice for them."

"Musa hates dissonance. Banshee is great at creating cacophony."

"What about Electra?"

"She is a tough one to beat because she is so calm, so strategic and patient. Ugh. She thinks about revenge too much."

"I mean, she is mildly passive aggressive."

"Yeah, but she's all thought, no action. Vendetta!"

Vendetta came forward laughing.

"And Tecna?"

"She's an order fiend and a control freak. Virus is the perfect nemesis for her."

"Finally, Aisha. She's impulsive, hasty and impatient. Come forward, Sinka!"

All seven nemeses stood before TinkerBell. She laughed.


The girls were in Paris, performing live. Evans and Annabelle were with them.

Musa was singing:

🎶 So come on, jump into the fun
Come on, together as one, playing in the sun
Yeah, just get it done, jump into the fun 🎶

A woman with fair skin and white hair snuck into the sound system, created static, and turned the lights off.

"Huh?" Bloom asked.

"What's happening?" Aisha wondered.

"Don't worry girls!" Stella said confidently. "I got this." She pointed her ring at the stage lights, turning them on.

Musa sent purple sound waves to the sound board, turning the music back on, clearing static.

Flora spoke into the microphone. "Sorry guys," she said. "We will be back in a few moments."

The woman laughed. "What a concert!" she scoffed.

"We don't have time for you, Venomia!" Aisha snapped angrily.

"Well, when you do have time, go read my poisonous review," Venomia replied, walking away.

"We sure were lucky tonight," Tecna observed.

"If by lucky, you mean Stella's light touch and Musa's sound waves saved the day!" Stella exclaimed.

Suddenly, the girls were caught in a trance.

"Hello, girls. I am the spirit of the World of Dreams," the spirit said. "You were the only ones who answered my call."

"Why were we the only ones?" Aisha asked.

"You are the only ones who have the Dreamix power. But, the Dreamix power is not enough to save Neverland. To save the World of Dreams, you need Onyrix."


"Yes. However, I can't give it to you all at once. You must each earn Onyrix individually by overcoming your weaknesses. TinkerBell has made nemeses for each of you. Their names are Maya, Banshee, Obscura, Morana, Vendetta, Virus, and Sinka. You have to conquer them in order to get the Onyrix transformation. I wish you all the best."

The trance ended.

"TinkerBell is plotting against us?" Roxy asked in shock. "But... why? I thought we got rid of her for good last time."

"Well, she's back," Aisha replied.

"What could she want this time?"


TinkerBell looked at Bloom. "Maya, come forward. Go and attack Bloom as you see fit," she said.

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