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The sound of clanging metal echoed through the arena, Sloane couldn't concentrate, everything was spinning. Her head felt heavy, her vision blurry, her feet wouldn't move the way she wanted them to. But each time Kaiden threw his sword toward her, she met his blow with her own. The only good thing about how she currently felt was that she felt lighter, her body was easier to move, but her feet were the problem, as well as her vision. The whistle blew from Marcus, who was on the other side of the arena watching over the multiple swords swinging around. Everyone swapped partners. Blade stepped up in front of Sloane, the boy who had knocked her out the first time she had combat. Her vision blurred into a clearer view. Like she could see again but clearer, like looking into crystal clear water with no ripples. The air around her moved with her, her feet were planted on the ground, she closed her eyes and listened to the movements around her body. The whistle blew for them all to continue, as soon as it did she ducked under Blade's blow and kicked her leg out under his which sent him flying backwards onto the ground. He looked startled at what she had just done. She looked up at everyone in the arena, they all looked startled as well. She glanced at Kaiden, he was beaming a giant smile at her.

She held out a hand to help Blade off the ground, he grabbed it and she pulled him off the floor. She turned around to pick her sword off the ground, a clap sounded around the arena, she jolted back around to see Marcus clapping his hands looking her way. He beamed a smile at her. A true smile. Has she progressed? Does he think she has gotten better? All of a sudden everyone in the arena started clapping and whistling at her. She felt proud of herself. It was the last class of the day and she had accomplished something she never thought she could do. Is this what her grandmother was talking about all those years ago? A sword that could enhance your sensing abilities.

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