Prologue: Asgtar's Descent

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"In the dawn of time. There were creators. Primal gods. Eternal. Timeless. They wove the interwoven fabrics of the heavenly universe. Yet destiny lulled the gods to rest. But before they slumbered, the celestial guardians were born. Two-hundred billion in splendor. Numbers alike the galaxies they would create. Gifted conjurations of energy and mass, yet omitted with a crucial power-"

"The power to birth life into the void." replied a chorus of heavenly voices.

Inside the celestial's abode. Seated in a stream of light, cradling comfortably its attendees, an esteemed ancient celestial called upon a younger member of the discussion.

"Young god, Asgtar. Is something amiss? Your voice was unheard of in the chorus." retorted a stricter persona among the three heads of the attending celestial. Its neck extending, as it drew closer to the young god.

"Forgive me great celestial spirit. It must have slipped my mind." Asgtar closed his eyes, a sign of respect befitting an apology in the celestial palace.

Deciding not to delve further into Asgtar's lapse, the celestial spirit steered the discussion forward.

After the gathering was finished, eight of these children – all powerful gods within their own rights – headed to attend their celestial duties. Their diligence was well renowned in the neighboring galaxies, save for one mischievous errant, the rebellious Asgtar. He was once a well behaved young one. Full of enthusiasm. Brimming with ideas. He had imagined so much of what he could do if he became a celestial god. However, it was not until that fateful day...

Once every billion (earth) years, a celestial god named Kinfu, grants audience to these lesser gods, known as seedlings. However, it had been six billion years since his last appearance. For there was that day, when Asgtar angered this celestial ancestor.

He questioned the very foundation of the three universes – heavenly, mortal, and infernal realms. To Kinfu, however, his inquiries were not insightful, but rather insolent, leading to his declaration of him never to become a celestial god.

"For he who is gifted by the universes, dares question the celestial order, shall henceforth stripped of the power to transcend, the very transcendence gifted by the very foundation of the universes they disrespected!"

At the edge of heaven's realm, Asgtar meditates as he reminisced the past. Thoughts of his condemnation lingered, as he broke out of meditation form. In frustration, he picked up a rock and threw it into the endless void. Guilt constricted his emotions as he remembered the disgusted looks his siblings eyed him with. Since it had been billions of years since their celestial guardian had granted them audience, the other children feared they too were omitted the path to transcendence.

"It's all my fault." cried Asgtar as he gripped his central core, a solid ball of light resembling a heart.

"As a god, you are not a slave to emotions my dear Asgtar. Emotions carry you to uncertainty, bending your will to an unwanted end." A familiar harmonious voice suddenly spoke.

"M - mother?"

"Master Kinfu is a great example. His emotions lead to a turmoil within himself, therefore bestowing you an unbefitting curse. But I am sure, he never meant any of it." The figure in the light moved, having the appearance of a subtle smile.

"I'm sorry. What I mean to say is: Thank you, master Eia. I shall not worry anymore" Asgtar replied bowing in awe to the light enshrouding him at that moment.

"Come now. There is something I must show you."

The mystical light Eia guided Asgtar to the center of heaven's arboretum of clouds. There, Asgtar stood alongside his sisters Va'an, Eva, and Vass. The other children looked on in wonder as Eia spoke.

"In the annals of time, I, the celestial guardian of the galaxy Totonum, foretell the dawn of a new age. Behold, for both heaven and mortal realms shall rejoice at the imminent descension of four new full-fledged Gods."

The guardian turned to look at Va'an, and spoke, "Awaken, my dear seed of obscura, Va'an. Since time immemorial, the ancestry of the dark arts had kept the flow of energy limitless and secured. Your mastery of obscura will help you and the people whom shall worship you, in expanding your reach unto the stars. Therefore, use your abilities in restoring any of the dead stars in the cosmos, a white dwarf that you would call your new home."

"Eva. Vass. My beloved twin seeds of variance. The versatility of mutation and evolution shall help you in your cosmic journey. Strive alongside the people of Earth in both tragedy and prosperity. See to it that they adapt with your powers, in order to survive the challenges that sought to kill their mortal lives. May you guide your people to stand the test of time."

"Rise, young Asgtar. The tempestuous nature of fire. The unpredictability of the kindle's dance on the candle's wick. Your mastery of a power that only a few dared even to mention. The fires of rai. Your courage and confidence allowed you to become one with its fiery form, and hopefully you would understand the turmoil of your people. In a land known as Isfra, the molten planet, scorched by two suns, may it only need one god. Will you carry the burden of the burning stars? Will you accept the challenge of being their God?"

The ceremony is almost complete. By the whisper of the cosmic hush, surrender yourselves to deep sleep. Your very essence will be encapsulated in a magical comet, and you will embark on a stellar journey. The celestial spirits will guide you to your destiny. The people of these worlds need you.

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