17. Beach Week day 2

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•November 26

       Maru’s eye's open up as the sunshine rises behind and he see's their friend's taking pictures, covering their mouth's as they giggle,
Maru confused and still processing after just waking up he Hug's his pillow tighter to try to wake himself up, he feels his pillow moving, as he remembers it's not a pillow, his head snaps down and looks at Lilith still sleeping on his chest embracing her as she is embracing him on his weist, he freezes,
Lilith slowly opening her eye's as she wake's up and Begins to raise her arms to hug Maru on his neck, then she suddenly snaps back and realizes what's happening, she falls off and Maru falls backwards from the log they were sitting on, Her friend's picking her up asking if she's okay while laughing and grinning at what they witnessed, Maru's friend's help him up giving him a smug and Giving him a thumbs up as if he accomplished something astronomical,

Lilith hide's her face and runs to the tent to hide, as Maru runs to the water,
A few hours later they go walk around the small city by the beach to explore a bit and buy some food at the same time,
Maru with his Friends and Lilith with her's,
They all come across each other at a store and they buy some snacks,
Everyone now as a group walking around, their friend's start to whisper each other, Planning something,
Each of them begin to shift, switching places and moving aside,
Till Maru and Lilith were next to each other,
Maru realizes as he looks at them Smiling mischievously
Maru just ignores them hopefully they just get bored and move on, he looks at Lilith as she has an annoyed face realizing she knows what their trying to do too, their friends pretend to buy something and tell the two to go on ahead and wait for them at their camping spot,
Lilith and Maru annoyed and wanting them to just get over it already they go on ahead,

Ughh can't believe their trying to ship us Lilith say's,
Tell me about it, who the hell would want to Date a dwarf Maru say's and Lilith fire's back at him with an Insult, they start to argue as they walk, their friends watching them and havin a blast witnessing the two go through their usual routine of arguing,

Later that evening they prepare to cook some dinner, Maru in charge of cooking, his friend's helping him cook, Lilith's friend's chatting with her and taking photos,

They begin to eat Maru and lilith glaring dagger's at each other while their friend's are eating,

Jamir brings out two bottles of Alcohol and their friend's get excited, Lilith and Maru gives them a unamused look and they exit the room
“Oh right Maru doesn't drink” Jamir say's
So does Lilith say's her friend's,
Maru and Lilith now outside
“Oh you don't drink too?” Lilith asks and Maru say's yes, he Say's he promised to Trisha one of his ex to never drink alcohol ever again
Lilith asks why he is still keeping a promise that he made with an Ex, and he Say's he just doesn't like breaking promises

After a few hours of talking they notice that back at the tent their friend's are being oddly quiet so they go take a look and see that they all have fallen asleep on the sand next to the fire, Maru and Lilith gives an Unamused look,

Maru goes to the log they slept on before and he leans on the Tree next and try to fall asleep,
Lilith ask why he won't sleep in the tent, and he Say's that one of them might wake up and go sleep next to him, I don't like the smell of a drunk persol he Say's,
Lilith sits and leans next to him,
“Can… can i sleep with you… again..” Lilith asks as she is scared to go sleep by her self at their tent,
Maru Opens her Arms for Lilith to be embraced like last night, Maru not making ege contact and blushing,
“T..thank.. you” Lilith say's as she Lay's on his chest and she does a fetal position and Maru embraces her,
Maru and Lilith blushing unable to say a word, In synce they say murmur at the same Time, Dipshit

"Dipshit" My Love's Secret MaskWhere stories live. Discover now