2. Group Chat

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•October 8

Morning comes and sun shines from her Window the sun light directed on her face from her forgetting to close the window curtains before she fell asleep, she wake's up annoyed it ruined her sleep, she feels Nauseous, realizing she's sick, Sighs and feels sad she can't go to school again the 3rd time this week and have to result to her Video calling her Teacher again to be able to listen to class

Later at noon she notices a notification on her Message request, Her friend's added her in a Random topics GC made by her Friend's she enters and Chats but the people in the Group are all offline except for one of her friend's from a different school,
they chit chat about random topic's as more and more of them members go online and join the chat, they send Memes, funny video's, Talk about Anime, their favourite songs, and many more till there was 20 of them chatting,
Maru checks the content sounds of notifications from his phone and he see's the GC has come lively he joins the fun and sends meme's and random anime reference, Lilith notices the Name and Profile Picture, she chats "Are you the same Maru from Yesterday"?
He just noticed it now that it was the same Girl
He replied, "Wait you're the girl that fell"
"YOU PUSHED ME OFF" she replies
And the GC members laugh and watches them Argue on and on for a few minutes till the time hit 1pm and classes for her started again,
The GC once again goes Silent,

Maru and his friend Jamir trying to think of a way to form a band, them both as electric and even tried to form a GC but failed,
Their teachers comes in the room and tells them there will be no class but they will have to spend the free time Cleaning around the school
A sigh of Disappointment from everyone,
They head down to clean, Maru and His friends messing around, and throwing plastic bottles at each other and hiding from the teacher to avoid cleaning

A few hours later he arrives home to check on the GC to see it Live again and Lilith in the Chat talking about Him being a Meanie and pushing her off the Tree, he fires back defending himself saying he didn't mean to and only tried to tease her,
Their argument goes on for Hours, the group members reading their argument amused by the Two and roleplaying like it's a Court and there's a suspect and a victim going at it,

One of them even playing as a Judge telling the two to take turn's on justifying and reasoning the truth, it goes on for Hours till it was 2am they are still going at it but everyone is now asleep except for 3 of her friends still reading their argument, She notices the Time and say's let's continue this tomorrow, I need to go to bed
Not before saying more insults and mocks at him and he goes to play ML till 4am

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