10. Request

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•November 19

Maru and Lilith arrives to her home, Maru See's a cute wooden mini house the size of a an apartment, he laughs guess gour entire family is a Midget too he Say's and Lilith gives him a gentle bonk “Dummy that's my dog's house” she Say's
“Hahaha yeah it's nice,..... Wait… DOG HOUSE??”
He looks to his right See's her actual house, a big Mansion, Awed by the size he asks you really are a rich kid he Say's, Lilith ask why he Say's that and Maru say's

M: “You live in a mansion?”
L: “That's not a mansion it's a house”
M: “that's too big to be a house
L:  “It's a house”

They continue to argue about it and still on his motorcycle for a few minutes whether it's a house or not and not Realizing her parents car is already behind them Watching the two argue,

Her dad beeps the cars horn, Lilith and Maru sudden silence and turns around slowly, Lilith with a scared look on her face and Maru with a confused look as he doesn't know them,

After a while Maru and Lilith are on the table with her parents telling them everything that happened, her parents mad about her sneaking out  but can't resist almost tearing up of joy that she is Safe, as Maru just there awkwardly not knowing what to do or Say,
Lilith's Mom and Dad Thanks him for helping her
He Say's no problem at all,
“i knew i recognized your voice” her dad say's
And Maru just realized the her Dad is the owner of the Gym he goes to,
So you're Maru her dad say's
And Maru nervously responds “Yes”
Lilith's Mom telling her to go take a bath,
As Maru and her parents have a conversation about what happened and what's their relationship and him telling them they aren't like what they think they are,
He wonder's why she's taking forever in the shower, “Does she always take this long to shower?”
Lilith's Mom and Dad looks at each other with a Sad and Concerned look on their face,
“she hasn't told you?.... About her condition?” Her mom say's
Maru wonders what she's talking about
Her Dad explains to Him that she has CVID though it's a mild one, she can still easily get sick if she comes in contact or breath in germ's from Dusts and other kinds of Filth,
Maru feels like he just felt a shockwave through his whole body as he realizes now why she never goes with her friend's vacation's, and why she was running away from the Dirty dog.
Feeling guilty he apologizes to her parents for the way he has acted with her not knowing her troubles

“Don't be, we should be thanking you, we have never seen her this bright and happy in a long time, ….. though we're kinda curious what do you two even talk about that makes you two argue all of the time, we always hear her screaming in her room” her Mom say's

And Maru nervously replies “um….uh… Stuff”

They give off a puzzled look

Lilith still in the shower, Her parents explaining to Maru that they're very busy everyday and is always never at home except for night, her Mom is a Doctor and her Dad is going back to Europe for his new job after a week,
They tell him to always be chatting her so she doesn't get bored and try to sneak out again,
Maru accepts

But then her Mom Gets an Idea,

“You live 13 kilometers away right? And your school is only 4 kilometers from here, Why not stay here it'll be more convenient and you can be here for Lilith and take care of her while we're gone”

They all go silent.

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