"No. Just because you're a high-profile criminal doesn't mean I know you." Liar. What a good liar.

"Ahh, I see." I just go along with her games. "I'm Kim Minji. Or Samuel Lorenzo. Whatever you want to call me."

"Samuel?" Her eyes light up in confusion.

"My Italian name."

"You're mixed?"

"I'm Korean Italian."

Hanni nods slowly, her gaze softening as she takes in my words. "Hmm, that's too much for breakfast, Miss Lorenzo," she comments as her focus shifts on the tray I brought.

"My mamma helps me and it seems like we're both overdone for you." I titter. "It's been a long time since I had a girl to make breakfast."

Hanni falls silent for a moment before asking, "So should I eat first or shower first?"

"Anything you want," I reply simply.

"I guess I'm going to go with shower." She declares.

Our eyes meet, she looks away from me quickly. I chuckle at how cute she is.

"Right. But let me carry you."

"Wh-what?" Red flashes up both sides of her cheeks.

"Let me carry you. Your ribs are injured, not to mention how big this room is for you to walk to a bathroom. It's better to be safe than sorry."

Hanni hesitates before finally giving in, nodding her head reluctantly.

"Come. Hug my neck." I lower my body toward her, ordering.

Slowly, Hanni encircles her arms around my neck, her touch sending warmth to my stomach. With practiced ease, I slip my arms underneath her knees and shoulders, lifting her effortlessly into my embrace.

As I carry her towards the bathroom, I can't help but marvel at how right it feels to hold her in my arms. Despite our unexpected meetings, I can't deny the connection that has formed between us.

Hanni squeezes her eyes shut, her grip tightening around my neck.

"It's okay," I assure, whispering softly.

"Don't drop me, don't drop me, don't drop—" She chatters over and over again, burying her face against my neck.

"I won't, Hanni. Count on me," I promise. I adjust her position in my arms to secure her more.

As we reach the bathroom, I carefully lower Hanni onto her feet, my chest tightening at the thought of letting her go. Will she be okay bathing by herself?

Hanni disappears into the bathroom. I lean against the door, my mind awash with conflicting emotions.


I can't help but feel anxious as Hanni showers. Every creak of the floorboards, every splash of water, weighs on my heart with worries. I offered to help her bathe, but of course she refused and screamed at me. Now I'm left to agonize over the possibility of her slipping or hurting herself.

Handing her Danielle's clothes, I notice she struggles to dress herself inside. It takes her almost an hour to finally finish a whole shower. Later on, I change her bandages and coax her into eating breakfast.

God damnit, what is wrong with me? She's a grown woman, Minji. She doesn't need you for every single thing.

I've never felt this protective over anyone before, not since... not since four years ago.

It's like an internal instinct—this need to care for her, to shield her from every evil in the world.

After breakfast, I call my personal doctor in to check on her condition. Her heartbeat and blood pressure are more stable, she just needs time to heal. The doctor changes her IV drip before leaving us alone once again in the room.

Turning on the television, I let Hanni choose whatever she wants to watch. To my surprise, she picks We Bare Bears, the last thing I'd expected her to pick. As we delve into the show together, I find myself drawn into the innocent world of cartoon bears, laughing along with Hanni as she talks excitedly about her favorite Ice Bear and what happens next.

In this moment, I realize how much she fits the role of being my lover. Not only does she look exactly like Maeva, but their personalities, preferences, behaviors—everything is the same.

It feels like I'm back with Maeva again, finally having the chance to love and be loved. But I don't want Hanni just for that. I want to know her, all of her. She's having the same face and personality as my past lover are just a bonus. Maybe, too much bonus.

All of my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. I watch as she pulls it out of her handbag, her eyes lighten at the sight of the word 'oppa' on the screen. Before she can react, I quickly avert my gaze, pretending to be preoccupied with something else.

"I think... I want to answer this in private," Hanni says quietly.

"I'll stay outside," I insist before getting up.

Walking away from the room, I close and lean against the door. My chest tightens with thousands of thoughts.

Is she taken? In a relationship? Married?

The questions swirl in my mind, each answer more devastating than the last.

Deep down, I have to face the truth. We're not dating. We're not anything. It's just a business agreement, nothing more. And after she pays me and I find the killer, I have to let her go.

There's nothing between us.

There's never been anything between us.

I'm the one who was holding onto a hope that never even flickered.

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