37 - Delusions, Delusions

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The steam around you stuck to your skin, a few droplets making their way down your neck and you were quick to dab at them with your towel before they wet your fresh set of clothes. Your reflection stared back at you with an optimism and hopefulness like never before. How couldn't it?

The girl in front of you had everything. Purpose, love, support-

Your eyes darted at the phone on Todoroki's bathroom sink. It buzzed relentlessly, the energy your friends were pouring into it after you sent them a photo of your plaque with no explanation almost giving the vibrations an extra kick, like they were yelling right at you for sharing such big news and then showering instead of celebrating.

You picked up your phone with a small laugh and opened the groupchat to skim the last few messages.

maggot #1, maggot #2, virgin, pink shit, Explodo-kills

virgin: you did the thin.g . sohappy

virgin: so happy!

pink shit: ...he overused his quirk?

maggot #1: ...probably

pink shit: he'll get over it. anyway I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU AAAHHHHHH!!! 

maggot #1: for real. Congrats! We all saw this coming but it's still too big to not celebrate. Let us know when you're free!

pink shit: she's probably celebrating with Todoroki right now ¬‿¬ explains why she's not answering

maggot #1: should you be saying that? I don't think they're official yet.

pink shit: i have a sixth sense about these things. they've definitely done the dirty

maggot #1: \(˚☐˚")/

virgin: 8=D

Mina's intuition was unsettling. Still, you beamed appreciatively and moved your thumbs to type before a drive-by thought rang out in your mind.

Bakugo's not answering.

The realization made your smile fade away. What should've been normal now still stung. You'd hoped he would've reached out to congratulate you, or get pissed and yell at you for making it before him, because at least it'd make him break the silence he'd been in for over six months. His screaming would truly be a blessing to your ears.

Todoroki had yet to finish getting ready for your date. It'd be useless but you took the moment of privacy to dial Bakugo and put your phone to your ear with false hope.

His phone rang. The more it did, the more a weight you couldn't describe settled over your chest. Eventually the inevitable happened and you breathed out audibly once sent to voicemail.

"We're sorry. The person you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. They've left you a brief apology: The hell?! I'm not fuckin' apologizing. Whoever this is, don't listen to this shitty thing. DO NOT leave a message. I probably don't like you. Matter of fact, nobody does. Matter of fact, GO FU- Thank you for your patience. Feel free to leave a message."

The 'end call' button was awfully uninviting. Instead, you went against Bakugo's wishes and spoke up at the beep. That weight in your chest had spread to your throat, making your voice lose its usual confidence. 

"Bakugo...what the hell's happening? Are you mad at us? I know we bother you a lot so I'm sure checking the groupchat's the last thing you wanna do...but you said you'd send a message every once in a while if you could choose our names. It's been-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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