27 - Blonde's Blond

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The armed security guard concluded his long list of rules,"Our restraints vary depending on the prisoner's strength. Hers are plain compared to others but rest assured, it's accurately gauged to her capabilities. She won't be able to move towards the glass. On that note, don't touch the glass either or you'll set off an alarm. Good luck."

You smiled appreciatively and the guard responded with a silent nod before walking away. Todoroki stood closely behind you. It shouldn't have surprised you that the hero tagged along, but strangely, it did. You thought he'd been slightly distant for the past few days but clearly you'd been overthinking.

A door was all that stood between you two and possible answers. You turned to Todoroki with a nervous smile,"Ready?"

He raised an eyebrow,"I should ask you. You've been fidgeting this entire time."

"Can you blame me?", you laughed nervously,"This is Tartarus. It's crazy to think that one mistake could be enough for a catastrophe. Plus...I don't have experience with interrogations. I don't even know where to start."

Todoroki nodded. The two of you were in similar boats--your expertise was in handling the villains while they were a danger, not after. You sighed somberly after giving the door a stare down.

"We won't gain anything by wasting anymore time, will we?"

With that, you placed your hand on the doorknob and pushed it forward. The first thing that caught your eye was the pure white of the entire room. The second was the only speck of color throughout it.

Toga immediately leaned forward in her seat, a wide smile on her face,"(NAME)!!!Oh, I'm so excited you're here. We finally get to catch up like I told you, right?"

You sweatdropped. She was surprisingly easy to hear despite the glass that separated you.

"Does the fact you're in a straightjacket not bother you at all?"

"Should it?", she asked while wiggling,"It never bothered Moonfish."

"...Who the hell's Moonfish?"

Todoroki stood beside you. Two chairs were set fairly apart in the middle of the room but both of you subconsciously chose to stand close together.

He answered lowly,"He was one of the fighters we faced during the camp invasion. It took a hostile version of Tokoyami's quirk to take him down. Bakugo and I couldn't fight back during his attacks without endangering everyone else."

The blond's name brought you back to the reason you were there to begin with and you almost redirected the conversation before Toga joined in cheerily,"That's where I first saw you in pain!!When we went to retrieve Dabi with the portal, I saw him choking you and...let me just tell you. Your face while you struggled to breathe...you were gorgeous!!Can you imagine if you were actually bleeding?", she giggled.

You grimaced,"Oh, dude, ew. I forgot about your weird kinks."

Her face fell the slightest,"That's kind of mean. To be different isn't weird, (Name)."

Your eyebrows rose at the strange demeanor change. Maybe the isolation had done more than you thought,"Yeah, I see where you're coming from but when you're talking so positively about a situation where I could've easily died, I will think it's weird."

You didn't even bother trying to correct her use of your first name because there was no way in hell she'd actually listen. She grinned,"Don't be silly. You weren't in the kill list, he wasn't actually going to kill you."

"I really wouldn't set any expectations when it comes to him. Dabi's unpredictable as hell. It's the whole reason you're here, after all."

She tilted her head innocently,"It is?"

Restitution: The Pit In Trying [Yandere!Shoto Todoroki X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now