An Authors Apology

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Hello readers.

I apologize for not updating this story in sooooo longggg.

I have spent a couple of weeks thinking about what to do with this story. It's been a couple of years since I started and I've honestly lost the direction this piece was headed in.

I know we've been deprived of Kirisuna, the fandom has been kinda dry.

I don't want to give up writing just yet.

I am going to make an abrupt ending to this story because it at least deserves an ending.

To make it up to everyone and all the lovely people who enjoyed my writing and the chaos my stories have been (lol), I will be creating a new Kirisuna story. I do eventually want to branch off into fanfics about other fandoms, but my love for Kirisuna will never die.

Thank you so much for the support, the suggestions, the inspiration, the commentary, and for simply clicking on the title of this work.


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