Chapter 3

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Ariana ignored the question and walked into the depths of the dark room.

"can you please turn on the light? " Karen asked her, but Ariana continued to be silent and ignore the girl.

At one point, the light turned on and Karen saw a girl in front of her sitting in a chair. Karen began to look around and realized that they were in the office.

"Well, little angel," Ariana said after a couple of minutes, "I think it's time to introduce myself, I'm Ariana Bate, the boss of this club."

"what do you need from me" asked her girlfriend and at the same moment she heard Ariana's laugh " I'm serious, what do you need from me?"

Ariana did not answer anything and simply got up from her chair in which she was sitting and went to the bar, after which she took a bottle of whiskey and a glass. She poured whiskey into a glass, opened it a little and returned to her place.

"Can you answer me? " Karen asked her, and a smile appeared on Ariana's face, which made Karen uncomfortable.

Ariana was silent and looked at the girl, Karen at that moment was looking everywhere but not at Ariana.

"Don't be afraid, little angel, sit on the chair," said Ariana in a calm voice. No, not even in a calm but lulling voice. " let's drink a little, by the way, what do you like more wine or champagne " she paused as Karen sat down in the chair in front of her.

"I don't drink alcohol," said Karen quietly

*there are girls left who don't even drink champagne * said Ariana, after which she added* then what do you want?

"Pomegranate juice," said Karen, clutching her dress with her hands

Ariana nodded and picked up the phone and texted someone, and a minute later her assistant was in the office with a glass of pomegranate juice. Leaving it on the table, she left the office.

* as you wanted pomegranate juice* said Ariana and washed a little from her glass at that moment Karen also drank from her glass. A grin appeared on Ariana's face, and after a minute Karen's eyes began to darken

•the mafia's angel• (English)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat