Chapter 2

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I calmly danced until I felt hands on my waist. Turning around, I saw a man in front of me

"Shall we dance, beauty?"he said

"no thanks, can you clean your hands, please?" I asked the obviously drunk man

" no answers are accepted" he said and, laughing, began to drag me towards the rooms

"let me go" I said in a terrible voice

"no" he drawled, but at the same second they took him by the shoulder and immediately hit him, and they jumped back

The girl who hit the man called the security and they took him away.

"Thank you very much," I said to the girl

"You're welcome, little angel," she smiled and held out her hand to me, "let's follow me, little angel."

"why? " I asked, holding my hands to my chest

"well, don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you, I just want to talk "her already dark eyes became even darker, which could mean that she is evil

"Really?" I asked, and my body treacherously shook

"exactly, are you going like this or not?" the angry girl asked

I thought about what could happen if a strange girl who looks like a mafia or a demon invites me to go with her. But anything can happen. From raping to cutting me to pieces.

While I was thinking, she suddenly lifted me in her arms. What scared me. I started to jerk my arms and legs.

"calm down "she said in her low voice " I won't do anything bad to you"

I don't know how it affects me, but I calmed down. I started looking at her. Her dark hair was tied in a ponytail and her beautiful black eyes with long eyelashes were something with something. At one point we entered the room

" where are we?"

•the mafia's angel• (English)Where stories live. Discover now