{What the fuck am i supposed to call this}

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They were all headed back to the Octopod after a very upsetting day for all of them, especially Peso.

Once they surfaced into the launch bay, they all got out and reported to their pods.


"Who am I saving?! What even is this for?? Is probably just some prank." Kwazii concluded, tossing the three pieces of paper into a jar, and looked to his left and saw the pill bottle he grabbed two days ago.

"That's weird.. it never said that before." He raised an eyebrow in suspicion as he picked up the bottle.

"Sillyz:3" was on the bottles label.

"Seems promising." Kwazii shrugged, opening the bottle, grabbing a pill and swallowing it.

"This is not very silly. HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT??" (He wants a refund)

A yellow blinking light was shining through Kwazii's window, which he figured it was just an angler fish and decided to stop making such a fuss about it.

"I don't feel silly." He mumbled, moments later passing out and falling head first onto the ground.

(I'm sorry these are so short I'm lazy as FUCK)

DRAMA IN THE OCTOPOD (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now