[Chap. 5] - Thick As Fog

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"I can lead you there," ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I can lead you there!"

Dogday stared up at Bubba all funny - initially conflicted at his eager initiation, but then annoyed - and it wasn't hard to assume from Bubba's face that he was a tad bit confused as well.

"You should stay here, I've got it handled," Dogday began, walking up to the other and landing a light-hearted pat on his shoulder.

"Really?" The elephant cocked an eyebrow and proved his statement wrong close to effortlessly.

"Want me to remind you what happened last time we went to the maintenance room under your leadership?"

The next few seconds led on with anticipation, before Bubba threw his arms up in the air with an enthusiasm that was laced with sarcasm.

"News flash: we got lost!"

Dogday crossed his arms by his chest, and judging by that rosy hue painted all over his cheeks, he was in a fervorous panic of embarrassment and scowl.

"That- We didn't get lost, what do you mean?" In a desperate attempt to cover himself up, he feigned emotion and masked a confused face. Yes, even with that permanent smile.

"The rest of the Smiling Critters would say otherwise." Bubba had his eyes half-lidded in an act of cruel mockery. He had the upper hand, and to be quite frank, you could see Dogday on the losing end of this one.

"Heck, the rest ran around like headless chickens - poor Crafty had been spiraling to no end!"

Not given a say in the whole argument, you took a step back and stood in the safe zone. This wasn't how you'd imagine a first day on the job...

Meanwhile, Bobby struggled in the middle ground, attempting to use her best ability to put out whatever semblance of argument had been ignited between the two of them. Instead, each word only stoked the fire for worse.

"Then, what do you suppose we do about it?"

The three of you exchanged looks, tension high and thick like fog.


~ | - | ~


"I'm not so sure myself, Angel," Bobby shrugged away, taking a step ahead in her guidance and leaving light footsteps in her wake as you both walked forward.

"He'd never acted so... insistently on something like this before." Contrary to the two before, she seemed completely considerate of your opinion on the matter.

"Not our Dogday - he doesn't even enjoy coming to maintenance!" She gestured with her arms by her sides for effect, leading the both of you down the dim hallways of the maintenance room.

As you walked, you passed by several posters of the mascots and other attractions of Playtime Co.

They sure knew how to cover up all the blood and manslaughter under fun, kiddy colours! Still, you wondered how a business like this managed not to crumble and fall under all those law suits and cases.

"And we're here!" Bobby had the both of you stop just inches away from what seemed to be the same generator from before, with that same red, totally unsuspicious, and not dangerous-looking smoke that was encased in those few huge glass tubes.

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