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Y/n flopped down on her bed and put on her headphones. She was tired of hearing the yelling that was going on downstairs. She looked up to make sure her door was locked but in the dim light of the room she could barely tell. A car drove by outside giving her jus enough light to see that it was locked.

She opened her laptop and typed in her passcode before glancing out the window. The raindrops were crashing into her window before racing each other down the clear glass.  Y/n looked back down at her computer which had opened to show her epic Undertale themed wallpaper.

She felt a bit better seeing the kind eyes of Toriel in the background. Y/n loved Toriel's caring and calm personality. It had been just the thing to cheer her up on some of those days that just weren't quite right. Her eyes then turned to Papyrus who was laughing while holding a plate of spaghetti. Y/n wished she had his obliviousness especially on all those nights she had laid awake after an hour or two of yelling.

She cracked a weak smile. Seeing all the characters she loved smiling and laughing made her momentarily forget the fighting that was now breaking three hours.

She opened YouTube to see several videos about JoJo memes and My Hero Academia comics. She scrolled down to see FNaF cosplays and Demon Slayer AMVs. She smiled a bit more seeing all her favorite characters waiting for her in those videos. This was her escape from everything going on around her. These worlds, these characters, she felt as if they were her friends. She wished she could live in their worlds. She wished to be anywhere but in her house. She was soon snapped out of her thoughts by an especially loud curse word being flung from one of her parents to the other.

She sighed and set her laptop to the side before picking up her phone. She put in her passcode and gazed upon her background which showcased the main four characters from Hunter x Hunter. They too had gotten her through a lot by cheering her up and giving her a reason to keep going.

She scrolled over to TikTok and opened it up to see a cute edit from Komi Can't Communicate. She knew that if she was in that world she would protect Komi at all costs. She laid back on her bed and placed her arm over her face.

'Why do I have to be here of all places?'

'Why can't I be a character in one of my favorite shows?'

'Sure, I know it's scary and some of them die but it can't be worse then here.'


She sat back up and began watching some videos on her laptop.

A while later she fell asleep. She had been laying on her stomach in front of the laptop and once she fell asleep her head landed on the keyboard. She lay there peacefully, her torso slowly moving with her breaths and her (h/l), (h/c) hair covering a bit of her face. The rain ran down her window as the night continued. Once in a while a car passing by on the road would allow a little light in her room. The clock on her nightstand soon read 1:00 AM.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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