Juliette & Landon: What happened after

Start from the beginning

My voice cracks and I feel a hand grab one of mine. I can't bring myself to look at Juliette. I can't. I blink away the tears and clear my throat. I give myself a minute before speaking up again.

"I started to get hard. I started shaking my head no and tried to yell but all I could do was croak. I remember hearing a tear and then something being rolled on my dick. She straddled my hips and looked at my face. I tried to speak up but couldn't. I wanted to push her off of me but couldn't. I couldn't do anything. She raped me. Rebecca raped me"

I hear a sob and look over and see her staring at me, tears streaming down her face.

"Landon" she sobs out

"Hey, don't cry" I say to her gently

I reach out and wipe her tears away. She shakes her head.

"This isn't about me right now. This is about you. If you want to finish it go ahead" she says shakily

"I'm not going to keep going if it's making you upset"

"No. This is your time to speak up. Your time to say whatever you want to say. Don't worry about me"

"I'm always going to worry about you"

She stays silent looking down at our hands. I give her hand a squeeze. We stay silent for a moment before I speak up.

"Do want me to keep going?" I ask her gently

She nods her head.

I clear my throat again before I start talking.

"It felt like it lasted for so long. When she finished and I did against my will she got off of me. She got dressed, took off the condom and walked out of the room. I remember feeling so tired and helpless. I just wanted to disappear. I don't remember falling asleep until I was being woken up. I opened my eyes and see Levi, Xavier, and Arabella staring at me with concern. I tried speaking up, but my words were slurred. Their looks turned to horror when they saw how I was speaking. Xavier lifted me up and Levi started pulling up my pants. Arabella stared at me with tears in her eyes. They tried speaking to me, but it sounded like I was underwater. One arm was around Xavier, the other was around Levi. They walked me out of the room and into the bathroom down the hall. I remember Arabella following us and slammed the bathroom door closed when we all got in.

The four of us were crammed in this small bathroom. Levi was freaking out and so was Xavier. Arabella took control of the situation. She told them to kneel me down in front of the toilet. When they did, she pushed them out the way and lifted up the toilet seat and kneeled next to me. She grabbed my jaw, opened my mouth and stuck her fingers down my throat. I threw up in the toilet. I didn't stop for like a whole two minutes. Every time I thought I was done, Arabella would stick her fingers down my throat again until nothing would come up anymore. When I stopped Arabella started wiping my face down.

She kept mumbling everything was going to be okay. Xavier passed me a cup of mouthwash and I rinsed my mouth. We stayed in that bathroom for a long time. Every time someone would knock Levi would yell at them to leave. I felt really tired. When Arabella noticed how tired I was she told the guys to pick me up and take me home. They picked me up, held me, and we walked out of the house. We got to Xavier's car, and they put me in the back seat. Arbella got in and put my head and continued to wipe my face down. Levi sat up front with Xavier and they started to argue about taking me home or to the hospital. I mumbled no hospital, but they couldn't hear me. Arabella spoke up to them and told them I said no hospital.

They tried to tell me it was okay to go to the hospital but I kept saying no hospital. I started to panic at that moment and Arabella made the final decision and told them to take me home. They wanted to argue but Arabella said a few things, but I don't remember it. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep. They woke me up and grabbed the spare keys that my family and I kept under neath one of the potted plants we had outside. My parents weren't home because they were celebrating their anniversary for the weekend. I don't remember much after getting home. When I woke up, I had a headache. It was hard to keep my eyes open but when I was finally able to, I saw three bodies in my room.

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